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Economic Outlook: Sticker shock
President Barack Obama is proposing a sticker-shock federal budget that shaves the deficit, in time, to about 3 percent of the gross domestic product.
Economic Outlook: Tea for two
Republicans brought to mind a famous quote from former President Ronald Reagan this week as divisions in the House on budget cuts surfaced in Washington.
Economic Outlook: Incantations
In Britain, regulators nailed down an agreement with five major banks on lending and pay that appears, on the surface, magical.
Economic Outlook: House party
The Obama administration is about to tackle the U.S. housing market with a report expected soon on what to do with the country's two largest mortgage brokers.
Economic Outlook: A pride of polecats
President Barack Obama walked into the lion's den Monday, giving a speech at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to pledge cooperation with a pride of businessmen.
Economic Outlook: Reviewing regs
Leaders in Washington are reviewing regulations across the board, with an implied promise that removing a few onerous rules would create jobs.
Economic Outlook: Burgled at the bank
Suddenly, it's thieves hiding behind every tree and under every shrub, hiding behind desks and curtains -- and was that a thief entering a prominent U.S. bank?
Economic Outlook: Blogger Thomas Paine
U.S. Internet firms are being dragged into the street fight in Egypt, whether they like it or not.
Economic Outlook: Those gilded golf carts
Of all the iconic symbols of Wall Street, none is quite as provocative or as immediately disarming as a pay check.
Economic Outlook: One small cog
Pundits pointed to oil prices Tuesday to explain a seismic disturbance in global stability, with all eyes on Egypt as the latest quake and shake epicenter.
Economic Outlook: Repercussions
Egypt's impact on global markets was made all the more poignant by two arbitrary milestones on Wall Street that failed to occur.
Economic Outlook: The big boggart
Wall Street and Washington were handed a formal comeuppance Thursday in the form of an official federal boggart.
Economic Outlook: Scoring points
Parts of the U.S. economy are sputtering, but the stock market is forging ahead almost defiantly.
Economic Outlook: Human error
A catalog of human errors, not an act of God, brought about the 2008 financial crisis, a federal panel in Washington said.
Economic Outlook: State of the economy
Rick Snyder, Michigan's new governor recently pulled off an interesting trick: He gave a State of the State address without mentioning automobiles.
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A staffer organizes signs before a GOP press conference in response to President Obama's Budget in Washington
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