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Vortex Issue 23
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New AudioGo Releases

New AudioGo Releases Big Finish is delighted to announce that we're now selling three brand new AudioGo Doctor Who titles: an Eleventh Doctor tale, and readings of a classic Patrick Troughton adventure and an early William Hartnell story.

The Jade Pyramid
Intercepting a distress call, the TARDIS is drawn to a Shinto shrine in medieval Japan, where the Doctor and Amy are met by village elder Shijô Sada. He explains that the ogre-like mannequins surrounding the holy site are harmless guardians, called Otoroshi. Read by the Doctor himself, Matt Smith!

The War Games
The year is 1917 and the TARDIS has materialised on the Western Front during the First World War. Or has it? For very soon the Doctor finds himself pursued by the soldiers of Ancient Rome; and, then he and his companions are reliving the American Civil War of 1863. And is this really Earth, or just a mock-up created by the War Lords? A reading by David Troughton of the novelisation by Malcolm Hulke.

The Edge of Destruction
With a violent explosion the TARDIS blacks out and the crew find themselves trapped inside. A simple technical fault? Sabotage? Or something even more sinister? Tension mounts as the Doctor and his companions begin to suspect one another. What has happened to the TARDIS? A reading by former Ian, William Russell, of the novelisation by Nigel Robinson.

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