Circuit Index

Street Fighter 4: 2011 World Championship

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Quick F.A.Q.

When will ESFI begin ranking events?

ESFI will begin ranking circuit events in 2011.

How are rankings calculated?

ESFI utilizes a modified version of the G7 Teams ranking. That is, instead of compiling points continuously year after year, ESFI resets points per each year, or "e-sports season".

How often are rankings updated?

Rankings are updated immediately after every World Championship event is completed.

What is the World Championship circuit?

A game's World Championship circuit is composed of major LAN (offline) events which are open to all competitors (or have a qualification process) and have at least one top 10 team/player attending. Results from these events affect the World Championship ranking.

What about regionals, online tournaments and smaller LANs?

These tournaments cannot be a part of the World Championship because they are not open to all competitors. These can be regional qualifier events, invitationals, and smaller LAN events with no top-10-ranked competitors attending.

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