Half-Life 2: Dissolution Mod

Set in the year 2089, Dissolution is labeled as a Science Fiction, single-player campaign mod for Half-Life. What they don’t tell you is that the entire world is dominated by the corporate entity known as Xterrier and that something has gone horribly wrong.

Dissolution by 8472

Taking heavily from the Resident Evil and Bioshock mindsets, this mod is a scavenging survival game in which you wake up in a hidden lab to the voice of a mysterious scientist. Guided by this stranger you have to make your way through a destroyed Xterrier colony and make use of all resources you can to survive. You can find audio logs as you progress through the mod that tell you some clues along with new weapons and areas to explore, but be weary as the enemies are plentiful, and the ammo is scarce.

Half-Life 2 – Dissolution Mod

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Your Real Life Health Bar

Gamers by stereotypical definition are in a category of people who neglect their bodies and eat shitty food (read: fat).  Jag told me to write about anything I wanted and since it is my birthday I want to address something that is important to me.  Nutrition is something we all groan at but it doesn’t have to be so.

As a gamer 30 minutes is an eternity to prepare food and 10 minutes might as well be /gkick from your guild for abandonment.  How are we supposed to maintain our awesome lifestyle and not fill out our clothes like we are pregnant? Gamer food needs to be EXTREMELY fast and filling.   Whatever food is prepared needs to be able to be consumed at your desk or within a five minute window.

The Shopping List.

Drinks. If you must drink soda drink the zero calorie or diet kinds.  This is the easiest change you can make and will drop pounds over time.  Ultimately the goal is to not ever get calories from liquids.  You can also keep crystal light and water bottles at your desk (You never have to leave! *Achievement Unlocked*). Carrot juice or any other VEGETABLE based juice combination is the best choice for those: open the fridge and look for something to take a swig of moments.

Snacks. Keep the bag within arms reach if you want.  Even if you consume the entire bag of any of these in one sitting it will be far less harmful than munching on day old Jack in the Box tacos, left over pizza, or whatever you had laying around from the last time you ventured outside.  Rice cakes (flavored -I like chocolate), Pirate’s Booty, and Nuts (I like almonds but just make sure they are the raw kind you get from the dispenser and not some can of salted death kind.  I love honey roasted too but it isn’t a staple.)

In the Kitchen. You left your desk! Congratulations.  Now that you have made it into the kitchen the clock is ticking.  Here are my favorite quick eats that require nothing but a microwave or nothing at all.

Corn tortillas, salsa, cheese, and some meat (1 slice of reduced/low fat anything works.  I like turkey) -wraps.  Put them together and microwave ALL of them at the same time to make this a very quick prep.  The corn tortilla has become a staple of mine as it is a guilt free container for other things.  Use any combination you like to make three quick quesadilla style eatables.

Steam-ables are relatively new to the world but they are quickly becoming something that everyone who has a busy schedule should pay attention to.  This is the longest thing you will have to prepare that doesn’t actually require you to do anything but run back and forth from your computer to the microwave and the time it takes to dump it on a plate (if you get that far). Most all of these take 5 or 6 minutes at the most to heat up.  This is where you will get the bulk of your nutrition from.  There are a TON of varieties but be careful as they are offering complete meals in this form and they are TO BE AVOIDED.  Get the raw vegetable kinds and drizzle with low sodium soy-sauce or salt and pepper to taste.

Handhelds.  The best snack you can run to the kitchen and grab is a piece of fruit.  A bushel of bananas can last a while, you can buy apples by the bag, grapes, peaches, or even a fruit party tray will last a couple days -get what you like.  Most all fruit is brain food as well so you will be sharper and not such a dunce.  Watch your waist line go down and the frags go up!

The goal is to avoid eating spoons fulls of peanut butter, chugging chocolate milk, eating a handful of cookies, cakes, candy, not EVERYTHING in the pantry is meant to be consumed on the fly.  There are no EASY routes to making a healthier you.  There is no pill for laziness, no book you can read, and no class you can take that makes you get off your ass to make the effort.  You have to decide.  Is this who I want to be? Is this someone I can be proud of?  Good Luck!  I’ve made this something of a mission for myself so if anyone requires further tips I’d be happy to share.

Posted in Games | 31 Comments

Dragon Age: Old Friends Anew

With Dragon Age 2 near, many gamers are replaying Origins for a save to import in the sequel. Two years have passed since the release of the original title, and the modding community has been working hard on revamping and freshening up the companions you once knew. So before you say goodbye to Wynne and Leliana for the (potentially) last time, give them the face lift they deserve.

Morrigan and Leliana Sacred Ashes Face Mod by endeavour1934: You can guess how surprised I was when Leliana and Morrigan had no resemblance to their CGI counter-parts. This modification fixes that by changing the faces for both characters to look identical to the Sacred Ashes trailer.

Download DA:O – Leliana & Morrigan Sacred Ashes Mod

Attractive Wynne Mod by LisaBanas: So I am about to make a confession, when I first played DA:O I wanted to romance Wynne. Don’t judge me, she had a heart of gold. Though this mod doesn’t make her a romance option, it definitely makes her much easier on the eyes.

Download DA:O – Attractive Wynne Mod

Alistair Face Morph Mod by Tori: It is hard not to love Alistair and his goofy self. What he has in immature personality and humor, he lacks in his facial detail. For being one of the surviving Grey Wardens, he doesn’t look like a strong supporting character but with this mod his face is suddenly less bland.

Download DA:O – Alistair Face Morph Mod

Dall’s Oghren Mod by Tori: Oghren was a mixed blessing for me as I despised him in Origins but he grew on me in Awakening. I am sure there are others out there who happen to love this guy and most likely even write romantic fan fictions with him involved. If so, this one is for you.

Download DA:O – Dalls Oghren Mod

Dog To Wolf Replacer Mod by icthulu: Last but not least, this modification replaces all dogs and Mabaris into wolves. Now as much as I loved my Mabari (I named him Bill after Left 4 Dead), he definitely wasn’t a looker. With this he became the badass he was suppose to be plus an increased movement speed.

Download DA:O – Dog To Wolf Replacer Mod

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Bringing Magic to Fallout: New Vegas

Fallout: New Vegas brings you one of of the most realistic post-apocalyptic survival experiences in any game to date, but for me it always seemed like there was something missing. I found it somewhat unlikely that after spending your life in a wasteland full of radiation that you wouldn’t be subjected to some awesome radioactive powers. This mod changes all that.

Candora’s Box by KC

The aim of this mod is to put into Fallout what probably should have been implemented from the start. Candora’s Box adds a new CHEM to the game known as ‘Pandora’s Blood’ and once consumed you gain access to a full list of spells to use at your disposal for 3 minutes. You must be careful though, you can easily become addicted to the CHEMS and you will be afflicted just like any other addiction.

You start with 5 spells, with more to be added as the mod grows: Flare, Freeze, Regeneration, and Summon Deathclaw. Yes, you can now summon Deathclaws to fight alongside you, and it is as much fun as it sounds. After installing the mod you can get your first fix of the Pandora’s Blood by going to Doc Mitchell’s house. There are two CHEM bottles of the stuff in the living room.

Fallout: New Vegas – Candora’s Box Mod

Posted in Action RPG, First Person Shooters | Tagged , | 23 Comments