Best of YouTube: Week of January 31, 2011


Stortini vs. Barch set to Mike Tyson’s Punch Out!

The theme from Mike Tyson’s classic Nintendo game, “Punch-Out,” is once again featured at the Dallas arena. The Dallas Stars’ Krys Barch takes on Zack Stortini of the Edmonton Oilers.

Tracy Morgan on Sarah Palin

Obviously, these guys have never watched an episode of “30 Rock.” And the Tracy Morgan/Jordan blurred lines continue…

The Joker Workout

Watch out Batman.

Shaolin Monk: needle point

It’s a good thing to know that once a Shaolin Monk is done stitching his robe; he can take that same needle and use it as a deadly weapon. Thankfully, they’re peaceful warriors and not vengeful. Death by sewing needle is not something someone would want to be known for.

Greatest mini putt of all time

It’s really quite simple to make this shot. Follow these 3 easy steps: 1. Putt shot into water fountain; 2. Prepare to line up for putt; 3. Step back and allow fountain to water to elevate ball, and just tap back onto the green. It’s that simple.

Worlds widest slip and slide

Meanwhile, in another aqua related (incredibly) amateur sport: Check out how these fellows turned an unnamed irrigation reservoir into the largest, wildest Slip N’ Slide. Our minds are now flooded with childhood memories of time when water and a plastic tarp made those dog days fade away.

Up: Live Action

This is an idea of what Disney/Pixar’s animated film Up would look like if it were filmed in live action… During the 1960s.

Dazed and Confused

If you don’t like 1960’s live action remakes of 2009 animated films. Here is a two minute rap of a 1990’s film about 1976.

Location refreshed

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