Feeling done in? Don't blame your job


It may be the negativity and whining of fellow employees

You're tired, depleted, and laying the blame for your fatigue at the feet of the increased responsibilities and long hours you faced. But the real culprit could be the draining negativity of your fellow workers.

You're tired, depleted, and laying the blame for your fatigue at the feet of the increased responsibilities and long hours you faced. But the real culprit could be the draining negativity of your fellow workers.

Photograph by: Photos.com, working.com

If you're like most people, 2010 was a long, exhausting year at your workplace.

You're tired, depleted, and laying the blame for your fatigue at the feet of the increased responsibilities and long hours you faced. But according author Jon Gordon, author of the newly released Soup: A Recipe to Nourish your team and Culture, working hard can be quite invigorating.

The real culprit is often the draining negativity of fellow workers, their whining and the pessimistic culture in many workplaces.

Don't fret: Gordon promises that if managers can fix the offending behaviours, they'll spend more time trying to make employees happier.

Here are Gordon's top twelve draining behaviours:

- The Energy Vampire Attack

DON'T: Let negativity become your go-to response. There's nothing more draining than a boss or co-worker who is constantly negative.

- The Out-of-Control Complain Train

DON'T: Give in to the temptation to whine. It can have catastrophic consequences.

- The Vicious Voice mail (or Email)

DON'T: Leave critical or harsh messages on voice mail or send them to an email inbox.

- The Loaded Monday Morning Inbox

DON'T: Overwhelm your team with a mountain of emails to start the week.

- The Busy Bee Bamboozle

DON'T: Confuse activity with progress. You know the person -- soooo busy but doesn't ever seem to get anything done.

- The Low Performer Look-Away

DON'T: Let sub-par work slide. Low performers drag the rest of the team down.

- The Unclear Communique

DON'T: Assume that something you know isn't really all that important.

- The Disorganization Drag-Down

DON'T: Allow disorganization to impede productivity.

- The Hasty Plate Clear-Off

DON'T: Sacrifice quality on the altar of expediency.

- The Chronic Deadline Dodge

DON'T: Allow unmet deadlines to throw everything and everyone off-track.

- The Unattainable Atta-Boy (or Atta-Girl!)

DON'T: Get so caught up in what's coming down the pike that you forget to acknowledge what's happening now.

- The Blame Game

DON'T: Point fingers at others in order to take the heat off yourself.

Location refreshed

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You're tired, depleted, and laying the blame for your fatigue at the feet of the increased responsibilities and long hours you faced. But the real culprit could be the draining negativity of your fellow workers.

You're tired, depleted, and laying the blame for your fatigue at the feet of the increased responsibilities and long hours you faced. But the real culprit could be the draining negativity of your fellow workers.

Photograph by: Photos.com, working.com


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