Best of YouTube: Week of January 24, 2011


One Million Dollars

It only took three videos for Craig Rowan to become a millionaire. Yes, you read that correctly. He earned a one million dollars by begging millionaires (and billionaires) for some of their money. Envy and jealousy is just a viewing away.

Smooth Criminal

Add another amazing performance to the list of songs covered on the MJ’s Thriller album. If you’re thinking two Cello players are doing a classical version of pop classic, you’re sadly mistaken.

Spongebob Excitement!

We think these children have had entirely too much sugar. Nothing in our wildest dreams is this exciting. You don’t need a translator to understand anything here. Pure mayhem! Could this be a look into western culture’s influence of materialism/over consumption/appetite for sugar on the eastern world?

Natalie Portman laughs. A meme is born.

The cruel interweb’s latest victim is an award-winning young actress who is expecting her first child.

Screaming! Wheelchairs! Murder!

This clip from a ‘90s telenovela took it’s time to make the rounds but it was worth it. We didn’t do that well in Spanish, but we’re good at people-watching, so here’s the deal: a mother catches her daughter being kiss by the brother from “Boy Meets World,” she loses it, the girl gets knocked out of her wheelchair, the maid gets slammed against the wall and then someone gets murdered.

Drunken Slurring Dwarf sings

Although this is a slowed-down version, this clip of a pageant girl has the same scary effect. Bonus points for reactions from the talk show panelists.

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