More venting!



This winter’s brutal weather should convince city council to exempt elderly and handicapped citizens from having to remove snow from city sidewalks. Instead of fining them, hire a few people to do it for them, enabling them to remain in their homes.

Putting a whiff of sand on an ice-covered sidewalk does absolutely nothing when the temperature is below freezing, except maybe make it worse. For the love of all bones and ligaments, use ice melt.

Recently when Toronto was expecting a large snowfall, they had snowplows in all areas of the city before the storm. Edmonton is not as large as Toronto. Why cannot this be done here?

I just stepped outside to let my dog relieve himself. I wish the good-for-nothing groundhog that said we get six weeks more winter would suffer cardiac arrest.

“Bloc wants money for Quebec — or else.” This shameless threat reminds me of the twisted definitions of democracy and dictatorship. Dictatorship is democracy by one and democracy is dictatorship by many.

Putting Home Depot between Westmount Mall and Zellers was a dumb thing to do. Zellers has lost some of my business.

Location refreshed

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