More Venting!



Is it possible that Harper, Stelmach and Mandel might be the three most boring politicians on the planet?

Someone should tell those kids at Lister Hall you don’t have to drink to have fun.

Bravo to the City of Edmonton workers that installed the handicapped parking signs in front of my house. A great job was done by all. Too bad they had to come back the next day and remove these and reinstall them in front of my neighbour’s house, where they should have gone in the first place.

Watching the one-year anniversary special of the Vancouver Olympics reminds me that I no longer have to listen to how great the 1988 Winter Olympics were in Calgary.

Don’t send another cent of my gas tax money to Quebec for an arena. It’s ridiculous what we send already. They don’t want anything to do with the rest of Canada except take our money. Our gas tax money would be better spent fixing our thousands of potholes.

When I hear the words “arena” and “federal funding” in the same news item, it makes me shiver. Add the word “Quebec” and wish I hadn’t heard anything.

In view of the bizarre “blinders-on,” sacred-cow status official multiculturalism gets bestowed with here in Canada, I can only admire the honest, straight-talking candour with which British Prime Minister David Cameron bluntly assessed his country’s counterpart as a failure.

One venter said he has been waiting over six months for a stress test. I got my appointment within two weeks. I don’t know if I am in such bad shape, or the venter is in much better health. Getting a fast appointment is scary.

Location refreshed

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Edmonton motorcyclist’s noisy-bike ticket quashed

An Edmonton motorcyclist who was facing a $250 ticket for having a noisy bike had the infraction quashed in court Thursday because testing on his Yamaha 650 wasn’t done properly. “I have difficulties with the ways the testing was done,” Commissioner William Andrew said in his decision that dismissed Stuart Young’s ticket.

2 hours ago
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