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Jeff Bell

Blood donors give a lesson in life

Veteran donors Jim Spoor and Dave Charlebois rolled up their sleeves to support a blood-collection drive at Claremont Secondary School.

Jim Hume

Rail scandal fired up the B.C. legislature in 1917

When the British Columbia legislative assembly flexed its muscles in 1917 in an attempt to expose a B.C. railway's misappropriated money trail, it came up empty. It is something for the new B.C. Liberal party leader and premier to consider when agitation for a public inquiry into the B.C. Rail-Canadian National Railway deal is renewed, as it will surely be within days after next Saturday's leadership vote.

Dave Obee

Dave Obee: First radio station goes from church to online

The next time you are exploring the AM radio dial, pause for a moment at 900. That's where you will find the station known as Village 900 - officially, it's CKMO - broadcasting a mix of folk, roots and world music.

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