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2210: The Collapse?

Imagine if hundreds of years from now, scientists excavated the abandoned ruins of some of our largest cities, what conclusions would they come to?

It happened to the Romans, the Anasazi, and the Mayans and, inevitably, one day our own modern civilisation will also fall. In this two hour special discover how a future civilisation might be baffled as to why the population of these once-great cities would suddenly abandon their technology and architecture, and turn their homes into ghost towns. Some experts believe that there is a very real risk this could happen, and the collapse of the world as we know it is closer than we think.

Examining the parallels between cultures separated by hundreds of years, explore whether the key to preventing such a global collapse today could lie in finding renewable alternatives to our dwindling energy supplies and sustainable resources. Can we learn from the mistakes of the past before it’s too late?

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Posted on Tuesday, February 15th, 2011 under History, Archaeology.Discuss This Documentary.

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3 Responses to “2210: The Collapse?”

  1. Phil #

    Usual US over highped rubbish.
    Over use of the phrase “What if!” – get me.

    • Giova #

      did you finish watching the documentary at least? yeah, they exaggerate, but that’s how you get people’s attention in the first place.

  2. Mike #

    It is a curious idea, i think that one reason that homes are static is because it would be more difficult to supply power to movable homes, also in a movable home there would be the constant task of obtaining gas (to move it and to cook with) but in future we might find ways of making cooking gas from the air around us and have solar panels and power storage that is so efficient that internal combustion engines wouldn’t be needed anymore we would be able to use electric motors to move the home.

    i think it’d be pretty awesome to live in a movable home, one thing that would concern me though is that it would probably start a big business in a pay to stay in certain areas and the road taxes would probably be high.

    i suppose theres always the remote possibility that a big movement in returning the world to a natural place could come about. with the exception of select shipment / emergency roads and areas so that resources and health care are still easily available

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