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DMT: The Spirit Molecule

The Spirit Molecule weaves an account of Dr. Rick Strassman’s groundbreaking DMT research through a multifaceted approach to this intriguing hallucinogen found in the human brain and hundreds of plants, including the sacred Amazonian brew, ayahuasca. Utilizing interviews with a variety of experts to explain their thoughts and experiences with DMT, and ayahuasca, within their respective fields, and discussions with Strassman’s research volunteers, brings to life the awesome effects of this compound, and introduces us to far-reaching theories regarding its role in human consciousness.

Several themes explored include possible roles for endogenous DMT, its theoretical role in near-death and birth experiences, alien-abduction experiences, and spiritual states, both within Eastern concepts of enlightenment and Western ideas regarding prophecy, and the uncanny similarities in Biblical prophetic texts describing DMT-like experiences. Our expert contributors offer a comprehensive collection of information, opinions, and speculation about indigenous use of DMT, the history and future of psychedelics within the research community, and within the larger social matrix, and current DMT research. All this, to help us understand the nature of the DMT experience, and its role in human culture and evolution.

The subtle stimulating combination of science, spirituality, anthropology, sociology, and philosophy within the film’s approach sheds light on an array of ideas that could considerably alter the way humans understand the universe and their relationship to it. –

Released 2010. Director: Mitch Schultz.

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Posted on Sunday, January 2nd, 2011 under Drugs.Discuss This Documentary.

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4 Responses to “DMT: The Spirit Molecule”

  1. Cam Krout #

    Unfortunately, yesterday YouTube removed this documentary from their site due to a Copyright Infringement claim by a group called DMT Production, presumably the media company who distributed, & owns the rights to, this documentary. I was very disappointed. The real annoying part is that it’s damn near impossible to find a website or contact info for “DMT Production” because if you search for that phrase in a search engine, all you can find is information about the production (synthesis) of DMT in plants and in the brain, but no info on the media distributor.

  2. Cam Krout #

    You know what’s really obnoxious, though? There seems to be no such company as “DMT Production,” at any rate you would think that they’d be called “DMT Productions” instead. It even says at the beginning of the end credits of the documentary that it was “a Spectral Alchemy production!” Somebody of poor moral standards actually filed a false copyright claim on YouTube! How despicable.

  3. Cam Krout #

    In any event, thanks for sharing this film with the world, via the internet. I read the book, back when it came out, but never really was able to appreciate the implications of Dr. Strassman’s study during the 1990′s until viewing this film. It really brought to life many of the characters, at least in my own mind, which I had read about in the books but had never really gotten a true sense of their experiences. The visual effects (Bearing a striking resemblance to the Electric Sheep screen saver; and apparently done by the same animator responsible for it) are outstanding, and provide a surprisingly accurate rendition of the world of DMT for those who have never tried it themselves (a feat which is near-impossible with words alone). It truly is a remarkable film, about a truly remarkable study that was conducted about 15 years ago.

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