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By clicking Sign up free, you agree to Myspace terms of service and privacy policy.

By clicking Sign up free, you agree to Myspace profile usage and copyrights, terms of service and privacy policy.

Profile Usage and Copyrights

Myspace Music Musician Profiles are for Musicians:

Uploading music you did not create or have rights to redistribute is a violation of Myspace’s Terms of Use and may be against the law. Even if you lawfully own a copy of the music (you bought a CD or downloaded it from an Internet service), you do not necessarily have permission to upload the music to a Myspace Musician Profile. If you are not the Musician who created the music or that Musician’s agent, do not upload music. If you violate this rule, your Musician Profile may be suspended and/or deleted. If you would like to show support for a Musician, search for or create a Musician fan club in Myspace Groups.

If you upload copyright protected music and are not cleared for uploading, you may be blocked:

If you distribute your music commercially, your record label and/or publisher may have already registered your music to prevent copyright infringement. If you are blocked during an upload, contact your record label representative to be cleared to upload your music to your Myspace Musician Profile.

Account types

Create a customized profile that is all about you, your content, and your fans.

  • Find and connect with people who have similar taste in games, music, and movies.
  • Share photos, videos and updates with friends.
  • Upload songs, photos, videos, and more for your fans to enjoy and share.
  • Connect with fans, promote your shows, and get detailed traffic stats.
  • Get listed in our extensive professional comedian directory.
  • Promote gigs and geo-target your fan base with access to our Events Platform.
  • Showcase your work and spotlight your role in the filmmaking community.
  • Establish your preferences, affiliations and influences; announce screenings and awards.

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