Magnetic Bracelets: What's up with that?

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Updated: 2/10 10:15 am
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. --  What if someone said, you could have more energy and strength?  Greater flexibility and less time recovering from injuries?  Now, what if someone told you, all you had to do was wear a wristband to make all that happen?   Would it be worth the nearly 20 bucks to try it? 

That’s what the folks at Energy Armor are counting on.  The company, based right here in Jacksonville, believes it has developed the technology to improve all those things and more.  All of this, through the simple use of a wristband.  Actually, according to the company, it’s not just any wristband.  It’s an Energy Armor wristband infused with negative ion technology.  

So what is "negative ion" technology?  Simply put, ions come in negative and positive charges.  Negative ions are created through nature.  Waterfalls, oceans, volcanoes, and lightning are a good example.  Positive ions, according to the company, are created all around us through our cell phones, computers and wi-fi technology.  Energy Armor claims wearing its bracelets balance out the negative and positive charges, making you run more efficiently.

Even though there’s not scientific evidence to back it up, people all across Jacksonville and around the world are buying into the technology.  From professional athletes, to your neighbor down the street.  Energy Armor says, it has developed the technology to break these negative ions into minerals and infuse it into their wristbands.  Put it on, and you’re balancing your body out.

While some claim it’s nothing more than a modern day “rabbit’s foot” to help bring you positive energy, others swear by it.  Dr. Rashid Buttar is one of those people.  Board certified in Metal Toxicology and Preventive Medicine and a Wall Street Journal bestselling author of 9 Steps To Keep The Doctor Away,  Dr. Buttar says he’s seen examples of its success.   He encourages his patients to try it out.  In fact, he wears two.  He’s currently conducting his own research which he hopes will conclusively prove the technology works. 

In the meantime, more and more people are promoting their positive results.  Mike Hollis, former placekicker for the Jaguars who now runs his own kicking academy here in town, says he’s experienced the results first hand.  Even with a career cut short by injury, Hollis says he can still go out and kick long field goals since wearing the band.

Then there’s others who are skeptical like UNF’s strength and conditioning coach Tommy Barnes.   But even he can’t discount the results.  “I you think it works, it works.  All Athletics are mental.  Whether it’s a collegiate setting or amateur.”         

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Brett - 2/9/2011 11:02 PM
I believe it works,but one thing I noticed is I can't sleep with it on. It makes my body toss and turn and wake up in the middle of the nite.
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