Sunday, March 20, 2011
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A sailboat cruises past the Pickering nuclear power plant in Pickering in 2007, when record temperatures and extreme heat stretched Ontario's power-generating capabilities to the limit.

A sailboat cruises past the Pickering nuclear power plant in Pickering in 2007, when record temperatures and extreme heat stretched Ontario's power-generating capabilities to the limit.

Yvonne Berg/Toronto Star


Is Ontario ready for a nuclear disaster?

Nuclear reactors can fail catastrophically. Are we prepared to accept the consequences?

Cohn: Will political fallout from Japan’s nukes hit Ontario?

Politicians have their ears to the ground trying to measure the consequences for Ontario’s nuclear plans in the wake of the tsunami.

Ontario rolling out ATM-like drug machines

Machines that dispense prescription drugs around the clock will be rolled out across the province in...

Town mourns fallen firefighters hailed as ‘true heroes’

Firefighters and relatives looked on Friday as the bodies of two volunteer firefighters were removed from the charred remains of a Listowel, Ont...

Historic society heartbroken after fire damages former 19th century church

Fire has heavily damaged a former church built in the late 19th century in southwestern Ontario.

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Canadians donate far less to Japan than Haiti

Toronto Star responsible reporting... please let me know how much Japan donated to Haiti relief and also, if you could provide a... nevaumind

Canadians donate far less to Japan than Haiti

Donations not wanted Japan has stated quite clearly they do not need nor want donations. They also do not want to be... Mudlark
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Jim Travers was an award-winning national columnist and former executive managing editor for the Toronto Star.
James Travers 1948-2011

James Travers, an award-winning national columnist...

In this photo released by Nexco East Japan, a worker inspects a caved-in section of the Joban Motorway near Mito, Ibaraki Prefecture, after one of the largest earthquakes ever recorded in Japan slammed its eastern coast Friday, March 11, 2011.
Japan Earthquake and Tsunami

One of the largest earthquakes ever recorded...

Toronto Community Housing Corporation CEO Keiko Nakamura, left, and chair David Mitchell answer questions during an emergency meeting held Monday to deal with a scathing report released by the city's auditor general.
Toronto Community Housing Corporation

The latest stories and developments on the...

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