Last updated: February 01, 2011

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O no, not a Hawaii Five-0 remake


Australian actor Alex O'Loughlin as Detective Steve McGarrett (left) and Scott Caan as Detective Danny 'Danno'Williams in Hawaii Five-O. Picture: Mario Perez/CBS. Source: Supplied

HAWAII five, audience 0.

I thought it might be bad. Scott Caan and giddy local television industry reports about how this was the "best new show coming out of LA'' notwithstanding.

But you know me. I don't like to go into something with that kind of attitude. I've hated the idea of plenty of things and then watched them and loved them.

Exhibit A: Glee. But Hawaii Five-0. . . that's another matter.

It has a lot of things I don't like in a show: things that explode; running and jumping for barely legitimate reasons; insular buddy cops; only the girl takes her clothes off; and, it's a remake. Or reboot, as we apparently now call them.

I kind of have a problem with remakes on principle, unless it's this: a bad show renovated by somebody with real talent. Like Tim Burton's first Batman film, to give you a for instance. But how rare are those? Very.

More often it's The Bionic Woman turned into The Bionic Woman. Or Hawaii Five-0 remade into Hawaii Five-0.

Things I know about the first Hawaii Five-0: The music; the main dude's hair; "Book 'em, Danno''; the Radio Birdman song Aloha Steve & Danno.

Alex O'Loughlin actually turns to Scott Caan and says, "Book 'em, Danno'' in this episode tonight. Will he say it every week? I'm guessing no.

Based on nothing but my feeling that they just put it in for old people. And by old people, I mean the studio executives who were going to be looking at the pilot and deciding whether to buy it. It's going to mean nothing to anyone who'll be watching it from here on in, so who cares?

Which reminds me: the plot. Something to do with Steve McGarrett's father is the ongoing story, but it's thin enough to make spanakopita out of.

But I'll say this: if you're into the dumb action thing, there's not much of it on television, so you'll be happy with this.

Hawaii Five-0
Channel 10, Sunday 7.30pm

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  • David of qld Posted at 1:21 AM January 30, 2011

    Shame.....This is an excellent remake and i can see the possibilty of several sub plots ....and considering that theres so many csis and svu's why not bring back Hawaii Five-0 i watchrf the original series all those years ago and i enjoyed it then ....the scenery is great....and its probably the only way i will ever see Hawaii but full marks to the producers for what shows promise of becoming a very interesting series...and incidentally there are a lot of people out here that saw the original series and if there was no "Book em Dano" it wouldnt be the same give it time and i think people will enjoy

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