
Friday 21 January 2011

Microsoft Kinect review

Tom Hoggins takes a look at Kinect, Microsoft's revolutionary hands-free interface for the Xbox 360 console.

For all the marketing buzz around Kinect, propelling Microsoft's motion-tracking camera into the public consciousness, more telling evidence of the device's propensity to impress has been filtering through social networking sites and forums from all corners of the web. Microsoft's attempt to woo the so called 'casual' crowd away from Nintendo's Wii console and onto their own Xbox 360 was greeted with the utmost cynicism from video game fans and critics alike, including myself. The faintly embarrassing and overly synthetic demo at this year's E3 did Kinect few favours, and rumours that the device suffered from excessive lag and other troubling issues only compounded the negativity surrounding it.

It's been fascinating, then, to see how opinion morphed and shifted as people started to experience Kinect for themselves. Not so much a softening as a complete about turn. Not only did the device work, but it worked brilliantly and, most importantly, was guffaw-inducing fun.

Me? A vocal critic of Kinect in the past, I was convinced five minutes after turning it on.

It's tempting to attribute the turnaround of opinion to Microsoft's well oiled marketing machine, and it's certainly a huge part of the excitement that now crackles around Kinect, but the fact is the only thing that can prove Kinect to you is Kinect itself.

It's a chunky thing, cast in the slick black of the new Xbox 360 S, and finding a stable spot to place it either above or beneath the TV caused a few furrowed brows in my household. But once it's set, it's set, the rotary assisted camera swivelling to take in as much as it can, like a curious cousin of Jonny 5 from Short Circuit.

Setup is a doddle, Kinect performing some basic calibration tests before asking you to move into certain areas of your living room to analyse the space you have. Now, there has been much consternation over how much space you will need for Kinect. I live in a modest-sized, two bedroom terraced house, and had just about enough space in my front room for Kinect's optimum 'play area' after having cleared the coffee table and footstool out of the way.So you will certainly need a decent amount of clear space to play Kinect, but perhaps not as much as the horror stories of having to sell all your furniture would have you believe.

The simple calibration process is enough to give you a glimpse of Kinect's body tracking, your on screen 'Avatar' accurately replicating your movements. It's remarkable to witness, as you move your limbs and swivel your head and hips and see your avatar doing the exact same thing. First doubts extinguished. There IS perceptible lag between your movements and your Avatar's, but because it's noticeable, it helps you to understand the limitations of the tech and compensate for it. Having the lag there but barely apparant to the human eye would likely be far more frustrating when it came to playing games.

But before even getting to any games, you'll find yourself mucking around in the menu system. Selecting options by hovering your hand over them, sweeping menus to the side with a flick of your hand, Minority Report-style. It is, in all honesty, quicker to pick up a controller and flick through the menus that way. But not nearly as fun or futuristic. Then there's the speech recognition, saying "Xbox Kinect" out loud will make your device 'listen' to you. From there you can say what you see and the relevant menu option will be selected, such as opening the disc tray just by asking, which my wife found rather unsettling. On that note, you can't actually switch off the Xbox through voice commands. So players needn't worry about disgruntled partners coming in and telling your console to shutdown during a game of Call of Duty.

It's interesting that Microsoft are releasing Kinect just a day after the latest entry in the Call of Duty series, Black Ops. Activision's military shooter represents the most popular franchise in 'traditional' gaming, high on action, thrills and high end graphics. Kinect feels like a counterpoint, as if Microsoft wanted to insist that 'hardcore' games and their family-friendly device can operate within the same sphere, without impinging on the other. Indeed, Kinect --more so than its rivals Wii and PlayStation Move-- already feels like an extremely different take on the world of video games, a complement to shooters and action titles, rather than a threat.

Whether this different take will enjoy enduring success remains to be seen. The launch titles of Kinect certainly impress in terms of technical wizardry (more detailed assessments of each will follow shortly), but --with the exception of Harmonix's fantastic Dance Central-- are perhaps lacking in long term appeal. Games made for Kinect will need to be very careful in their design to work on the device. Unlike Wii and Move, it should prove a lot trickier to replace traditional controls when there is no controller at all. With the full body tracking, Kinect also can't help but sacrifice precision, with a great deal of room for error being taken into account. By the same token, however, these restrictions, as much as Kinect's obvious strengths, will hopefully bring completely new gaming experiences to bear.

Away from the marketing blitz, that's what makes Kinect the most exciting hardware release in years: the promise of something new. The industry's developers seem to think so too, with even the most famous and talented directors in Japan keen to throw their weight behind the device. Tetsuya Mizuguchi's Child of Eden represents the most promising --and beautiful-- use of Kinect thus far.

Kinect is certainly not without its supporters, then, and the charm offensive Microsoft have mounted continues to gather pace, converting even grumpy old cynics like me. The first battle is won, but the war to unlock the potential inside this remarkable piece of technology has only just begun.

Buy the Xbox 360 Console with Kinect Sensor and Kinect Adventures for £299.99 from

Buy the Xbox 360 Console with Kinect Sensor and Kinect Adventures for $399.99 from

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