
Wednesday 19 January 2011

Hair cells in bald men could be reawakened

Bald men have been given renewed hope they could grow their own hair again after scientists found follicle cells on their heads could potentially be reawakened

Hair cells in bald men could be reawakened
The researchers surmised that balding may arise from a problem with stem-cell activation rather than the numbers of stem cells in follicles Photo: CORBIS

Researchers have discovered that the skin on the heads of bald men contains just as many potential hair cells as their hirsute counterparts.

But somewhere along the line, the ability of them to grow strands of hair has been lost.

Now the researchers hope they can reactivate them – allowing for men to turn back the clock to their youth.

A team of researchers at the University of Pennsylvania looked at the "bald skin" on the head of men having hair transplants and compared it with skin where hair continued to grow.

They found they had exactly the same amount of stem cells – master cells that can convert into any other cells in the body.

However the ability of these cells to develop into a more advanced state – known as progenitor cells – had been lost.

Experiments on mice has shown that by reawakening genes in the laboratory the hair growth could be kick-started again.

Dr George Cotsarelis said he was "surprised" by the abundance of stem cells but had yet to work out why they had stopped developing.

"However, the fact that there are normal numbers of stem cells in bald scalp gives us hope for reactivating those stem cells," he said.

The researchers surmised that balding may arise from a problem with stem-cell activation rather than the numbers of stem cells in follicles.

In male pattern balding, hair follicles actually shrink, they don't disappear. The hairs are essentially microscopic on the bald part of the scalp compared to other spots.

In 2007, the Dr Cotsarelis's team found that hair follicles in adult mice regenerate by reawakening genes once active only in developing embryos.

The team found that an "embryonic window" of opportunity could be induced in mice in order to manipulate the number of new hair follicles that form.

By activating dormant embryonic molecular pathways stem cells were coaxed into forming new hair follicles.

The researchers say their next steps will be to study the stem and progenitor populations in other types of hair loss, including female pattern hair loss.

The information may assist in developing cell-based treatments for male pattern balding by isolating stem cells and expanding them to add back to the scalp directly.

They will also focus on identifying factors that could be used topically to convert stem cells to progenitor cells to generate normal large hairs.

The study was published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation.

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