
Thursday 20 January 2011

Lifecoach: How can I help the healing process?

Our experts answer your questions. This week: how to help heal a fracture

Slow recovery can be frustrating for a keen runner
Slow recovery can be frustrating for a keen runner Photo: TETRA IMAGES / CORBIS

Q Five weeks ago I dislocated and fractured my second toe while running, by accidentally hitting concrete. It was a small partial fracture at the top of the toe and the dislocation went back in easily. I had it x-rayed and strapped to my big toe and was told it would take six weeks to recover. I iced it and took anti-inflammatories. I am a keen runner but, despite taking every precaution, it hasn’t settled down and is still swollen. Is this normal for a minor fracture? Can I do anything to help the healing process so that I can run again? D Orrock, by email


A Although the fracture has probably healed by now it is likely there is still inflammation within the joint that was dislocated. These joints are of the type where smooth cartilage lines the surface of the bones that move against each other.

The injury has probably damaged the cartilage surface, causing it to swell up. This restricts the joint movement and makes the joint painful for much longer. In effect, you have developed a temporary arthritis of the joint.

Cartilage does heal up but it does so very slowly, so it may be some months before it calms down again.

It is also worth checking whether gout might be contributing to the inflammation in the joint.

The chances of getting gout vary greatly from person to person, but men are far more prone to it than women. The condition is due to tiny crystals of a natural substance called uric acid forming within a joint, triggering a marked inflammatory reaction. The typical attack is a red, swollen and very painful joint at the base of the big toe, which can come out of the blue.

Gout can, however, affect any joint and be set off by injury. Your tendency to get gout depends to some extent on the level of uric acid in the blood. Your GP can check this.

Whatever might be the reasons for the slow recovery it is likely that the best management will be a combination of more time, gradual mobilisation (a physiotherapist can advise you here) and perhaps more regular anti-inflammatories.


A You have done all the right things promptly thus far and, in doing so, you are minimising your recovery time and leaving yourself less prone to arthritis.

As it is only five weeks, it may be too soon to expect it to be healed. In most cases it can take (at least) six to eight weeks before you can have a closed-toe shoe on the injured foot.

Obviously, try to minimise standing or walking. If walking or standing is very painful, perhaps use crutches to keep the weight off the damaged toe.

When sleeping, try elevating your damaged foot on pillows to minimise the weight you have to put on the toe.

A toe fracture can injure bone, ligaments and tendons so if you have residual pain after eight to 10 weeks, it is useful to ascertain whether this pain is the result of damaged nerves or ligaments around the toe, or a failure of the broken toe to heal properly. An x-ray will help verify if you can use the toe for strenuous exercise.

Your general health status and age will also affect the rate at which you heal. You sound as if you are of good general health as you say you are a keen amateur runner.

Initially, if your toe can take the pain, you might perhaps consider some light swimming or cycling as an alternative to running, as these have less impact on the toes.

  • NEXT WEEK Dealing with persistent acid reflux
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