The Digital Media Project

Results of 5th DMP General Assembly (GA05)

  1. DMP has approved WD 2.0 of Interoperable DRM Platform, Phase I (IDP-1):
  2. DMP has started the development of Reference Software.
  3. In furtherance of the policy established by GA04 to develop the Interoperable DRM Platform in phases, DMP has issued a Call for Proposals for Stationary Audio and Video Devices technologies that are required in addition to those already being standardised in IDP-1. Deadline for submissions is 2005/04/07T2300 GMT
  4. DMP is continuing work on Mapping of Traditional Rights and Usages to the Digital Space. The Call for Contributions will be issued at GA06 (April 2005)
  5. The DMP work plan has been aligned to GA05 decisions
  6. Read the GA05 resolutions