
Wednesday 19 January 2011

Carol Klein, Life in a Cottage Garden presenter interview

Plant-rich, wildlife-friendly and beyond beautiful - no one does a cottage garden like Carol Klein, the life force of TV gardening.

Carol Klein, Life in a Cottage Garden presenter interview
Carol Klein: 'I want to get better at what I do' Photo: JONATHAN BUCKLEY

The start of a new gardening year finds Carol Klein, flamboyant television presenter, writer and nursery owner, in mellow mood.

She's on excellent form after the lows of 2008 when the job of lead presenter on BBC Two's Gardeners' World went to the relatively unknown Toby Buckland, a move which sorely disappointed Klein (who had been caretaking the role after Monty Don's departure due to ill health) and her fans.

In 2010 she bounced back and wrote Life in a Cottage Garden, a monthly diary of gardening in her one-acre plot, Glebe Cottage in north Devon, and fronted a six-part series of the same name, filmed over a year, now showing on BBC Two.

"This is the programme I've always wanted to make: it's shot in real time, in a real garden, in the mud and the rain and the sunshine, and it's beautifully made," she says with her customary gusto.

Filmed early in the morning, in broad daylight and as darkness falls, it captures the seasonal rhythms of the plant‑filled garden she has been making for the past 32 years, supported by her husband Neil.

It's not a precious or over-tidy garden. Plants are allowed to flop and scramble, benches are encrusted with lichen, the dogs bound through the borders.

At 65, and with two artificial hips, there's no sign of Klein slowing down (Neil is eight years younger).

Every programme is driven by her passion for the garden and for the craft of horticulture as she digs and clears (more often than not bare-handed), climbs to the top of trees to untangle rampant climbers or pokes biro caps into flowers to cross-pollinate hellebores.

It's this connection with real gardens that makes sense to Klein and underpins her credibility with viewers. It also explains her response to recent developments on the set of Gardeners' World.

Last month Monty Don was asked back to replace both Toby Buckland and Alys Fowler as lead presenter, and the programme's "home" has been switched from Greenacre, the former playing field in Birmingham, to Monty Don's garden in Herefordshire.

The "artificiality" of Greenacre was never popular with viewers; Klein says she would never have been happy working there and welcomes the change.

"Toby, Alys [Fowler] and Joe [Swift] made a really brave attempt at what they did at Greenacre and they did some wonderful stuff," she says generously, "but I think people identify much more with somebody's garden because it is heartfelt.

"The programme has to have soul and to have spirit. That has to come from us [the presenters] and I hope that this new Gardeners' World is going to do that."

Klein steers clear of comment on the return of Monty Don (her reference to a "grass ceiling" when Buckland first landed the job in 2008 didn't go down well at the BBC). But presumably a prime reason for the latest upheavals is the need to halt sliding ratings.

Viewer numbers have been on a steady decline from five million under Titchmarsh to below 1.4 million in 2010. However, Klein makes the general point that there are now so many ways of watching television and so many competing channels that it's not surprising the programme can't maintain such a huge audience.

Klein is staying with the programme but says that her new role has not yet been spelt out. Last year most of her Gardeners' World slots were broadcast from her own garden, and she also presented a two-part special on the science of gardening.

The producers will probably have noted the results of a poll by readers of Gardeners' World magazine, which placed Klein as the most popular presenter in 2010 for gardening advice, and would be wise to recall the outcry when she was overlooked in 2008.

When she talks about Gardeners' World, which she first watched with her mother in their home in Greater Manchester, it's clear that it's not just a nine-to-five job for her: she has huge affection for the institution.

The late presenter Geoff Hamilton became a role model, both for his unpatronising manner and enthusiasm (qualities she herself has in spades) and for the gradual way he embraced organics.

"It wasn't any bandwagon that he jumped on, it was just from working out what he did in his garden and realising what huge damage you could do by using chemicals. He brought organics into common parlance so you no longer needed to be a hippy with a headband and sandals to embrace it."

Organic gardening is central to her philosophy - she and Neil are long-standing vegetarians - and to illustrate why she considers it a "no brainer" she opens her book and shows me a photograph by Jonathan Buckley of a single leaf of bird cherry (Prunus padus 'Colorata') taken in autumn.

Along the central rib the outlines of clusters of aphids can be clearly seen. She explains that gangs of long-tailed tits always head for this tree and congregate on it before flying out of the garden again.

"I often thought there must be something there they're feasting on and then when I saw the photo I could see the aphids. That's the point: if I got rid of those aphids I'd get rid of the long-tailed tits."

She believes that one of the reasons gardeners still reach for chemical sprays is lack of confidence.

"People have confidence taken away from them by life, by technology, by the way we live - they're told what to watch on telly, how to dress, what they should like, what they should dislike."

Through programmes and books like Life in a Cottage Garden she wants to make people realise that gardening is a process not a product, and that it's involvement with that process that matters.

"That's what gardening TV should do, it should say to people it doesn't matter if something doesn't work or goes wrong, there are things to be done about it. It's not a question of winning or losing."

Klein started Glebe Cottage Plants, which specialises in unusual herbaceous perennials, after her first daughter Annie (now 30), was born, followed by Alice (28).

As a grower she she has had first-hand experience of the horticultural industry and is uncomfortable with its globalisation and the waste of resources.

"Look at the profile of a plant you might buy in the garden centre. It may have started off as a cutting in India or China, then been sent to Holland to be grown on, under huge arc lights, using masses of fuel and loads of water."

She would like to see more people growing their own plants, not just for ecological reasons but also because, she says: "When you grow a plant from seed or cutting you get to know it intimately and it brings you closer to nature, to something real." That, to her, is the real value of gardening.

Having spent several years teaching art to children in London, who had no prospects of acquiring growing space of their own, Klein considers herself extremely lucky to have made the move to the country and created her own garden from scratch, and to have had the support of Neil.

She longs for her house to be finished - Neil, an inveterate improver, is currently installing energy-saving ground-source heating. But she continues to open her garden for the National Gardens Scheme and wants to do more, not less, gardening.

"I want to get better at what I do," she says without a trace of irony. "Also, my garden's been going for 32 years and there are all sorts of things that need modifying or changing."

So, plenty more material for future filming at Glebe Cottage, it seems.

• Life in a Cottage Garden, with Carol Klein, is broadcast on BBC Two at 8.30pm on Friday.

• Life in a Cottage Garden, by Carol Klein (BBC, £20) is available for £18 (plus £1.25 p&p) from Telegraph Books. To order call 0844 871 1515 or visit

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