/** * Copyright (c) 2006, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. */ /****************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************/ /** * Class providing the customizable functionality of a plug-and-play DHTML * auto complete widget. Some key features: * * * requires YAHOO.util.Event Event utility * requires YAHOO.widget.DataSource Data source class * see YAHOO.util.Animation Animation utility * see JSON JSON library * * @constructor * @param {element | string} inputEl DOM element reference or string ID of the auto complete input field * @param {element | string} containerEl DOM element reference or string ID of the auto complete <div> * container * @param {object} oDataSource Instance of YAHOO.widget.DataSource for query/results * @param {object} oConfigs Optional object literal of config params */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete = function(inputEl,containerEl,oDataSource,oConfigs) { if(inputEl && containerEl && oDataSource) { // Validate data source if (oDataSource.getResults) { this.dataSource = oDataSource; } else { //YAHOO.log("Could not instantiate AutoComplete due to an invalid DataSource", "error"); return; } // Validate input element if(YAHOO.util.Dom.inDocument(inputEl)) { if(typeof inputEl == "string") { this._sName = inputEl + YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete._nIndex; this._oTextbox = document.getElementById(inputEl); } else { this._sName = (inputEl.id) ? inputEl.id + YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete._nIndex : "yac_inputEl" + YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete._nIndex; this._oTextbox = inputEl; } } else { //YAHOO.log("Could not instantiate AutoComplete due to an invalid input element", "error"); return; } // Validate container element if(YAHOO.util.Dom.inDocument(containerEl)) { if(typeof containerEl == "string") { this._oContainer = document.getElementById(containerEl); } else { this._oContainer = containerEl; } } else { //YAHOO.log("Could not instantiate AutoComplete due to an invalid container element", "error"); return; } // Set any config params passed in to override defaults if (typeof oConfigs == "object") { for(var sConfig in oConfigs) { if (sConfig) { this[sConfig] = oConfigs[sConfig]; } } } // Initialization sequence var oSelf = this; var oTextbox = this._oTextbox; var oContainer = this._oContainer; YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(oTextbox,'keyup',oSelf._onTextboxKeyUp,oSelf); YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(oTextbox,'keydown',oSelf._onTextboxKeyDown,oSelf); YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(oTextbox,'keypress',oSelf._onTextboxKeyPress,oSelf); YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(oTextbox,'focus',oSelf._onTextboxFocus,oSelf); YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(oTextbox,'blur',oSelf._onTextboxBlur,oSelf); YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(oContainer,'mouseover',oSelf._onContainerMouseover,oSelf); YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(oContainer,'mouseout',oSelf._onContainerMouseout,oSelf); YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(oContainer,'scroll',oSelf._onContainerScroll,oSelf); if(oTextbox.form && this.allowBrowserAutocomplete) { YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(oTextbox.form,'submit',oSelf._onFormSubmit,oSelf); } this.textboxFocusEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("textboxFocus", this); this.textboxKeyEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("textboxKey", this); this.dataRequestEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("dataRequest", this); this.dataReturnEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("dataReturn", this); this.dataErrorEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("dataError", this); this.containerExpandEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("containerExpand", this); this.typeAheadEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("typeAhead", this); this.itemMouseOverEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("itemMouseOver", this); this.itemMouseOutEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("itemMouseOut", this); this.itemArrowToEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("itemArrowTo", this); this.itemArrowFromEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("itemArrowFrom", this); this.itemSelectEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("itemSelect", this); this.selectionEnforceEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("selectionEnforce", this); this.containerCollapseEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("containerCollapse", this); this.textboxBlurEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("textboxBlur", this); // Turn off autocomplete on textbox oTextbox.setAttribute("autocomplete","off"); // Validate and initialize public configs this._initProps(); } // Required arguments were not found else { //YAHOO.log("Could not instantiate AutoComplete due invalid arguments", "error"); } }; /*************************************************************************** * Public member variables ***************************************************************************/ /** * The data source object that encapsulates the data used for auto completion. * This object should be an inherited object from YAHOO.widget.DataSource. * * @type object */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.dataSource = null; /** * Number of characters that must be entered before querying for results. * Default: 1. * * @type number */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.minQueryLength = 1; /** * Maximum number of results to display in auto complete container. Default: 10. * * @type number */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.maxResultsDisplayed = 10; /** * Number of seconds to delay before submitting a query request. If a query * request is received before a previous one has completed its delay, the * previous request is cancelled and the new request is set to the delay. * Default: 0.5. * * @type number */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.queryDelay = 0.5; /** * Class name of a highlighted item within the auto complete container. * Default: "highlight". * * @type string */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.highlightClassName = "highlight"; /** * Query delimiter. A single character separator for multiple delimited * selections. Multiple delimiter characteres may be defined as an array of * strings. A null value or empty string indicates that query results cannot * be delimited. This feature is not recommended if you need forceSelection to * be true. Default: null. * * @type string or array */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.delimChar = null; /** * Whether or not the auto complete input field should be automatically updated * with the first query result as the user types, auto-selecting the substring * that the user has not typed. Default: false. * * @type boolean */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.typeAhead = false; /** * Whether or not to animate the expansion/collapse of the auto complete * container in the horizontal direction. Default: false. * * @type boolean */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.animHoriz = false; /** * Whether or not to animate the expansion/collapse of the auto complete * container in the vertical direction. Default: true. * * @type boolean */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.animVert = true; /** * Speed of container expand/collapse animation, in seconds. Default: 0.3. * * @type number */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.animSpeed = 0.3; /** * Whether or not to force the user's selection to match one of the query * results. Enabling this feature essentially transforms the auto complete form * input field into a <select> field. This feature is not recommended * with delimiter character(s) defined. Default: false. * * @type boolean */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.forceSelection = false; /** * Whether or not to allow browsers to cache user typed input, which effectively * does not set the input attribute autocomplete="off". When users click the * back button after form submission, typed input can be prefilled by the * browser. Default: true. * * @type boolean */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.allowBrowserAutocomplete = true; /*************************************************************************** * Public methods ***************************************************************************/ /** * Public accessor to the unique name of the auto complete instance. * * @return {string} Unique name of the auto complete instance */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.getName = function() { return this._sName; }; /** * Public accessor to the internal array of DOM <li> element IDs that * display query results within the auto complete container. * * @return {array} Array of <li> element IDs within the auto complete * container */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.getListIds = function() { return this._aListIds; }; /** * Sets HTML markup for the auto complete container header. This markup will be * inserted within a <div> tag with a class of "ac_hd". * * @param {string} sHeader HTML markup for container header */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.setHeader = function(sHeader) { if(sHeader) { this._oHeader.innerHTML = sHeader; this._oHeader.style.display = "block"; } }; /** * Sets HTML markup for the auto complete container footer. This markup will be * inserted within a <div> tag with a class of "ac_ft". * * @param {string} sFooter HTML markup for container footer */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.setFooter = function(sFooter) { if(sFooter) { this._oFooter.innerHTML = sFooter; this._oFooter.style.display = "block"; } }; /** * Whether or not to use an iFrame to layer over Windows form elements in * IE. Set to true only when the auto complete container will be on top of a * <select> field in IE and thus exposed to the IE z-index bug (i.e., * 5.5 < IE < 7). Default:false. * * @type boolean */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.useIFrame = false; /** * Overridable method that converts a result item object into HTML markup * for display. Return data values are accessible via the oResultItem object, * and the key return value will always be oResultItem[0]. Markup will be * displayed within <li> element tags in the container. * * @param {object} oResultItem Result item object representing one query result * @param {string} sQuery The current query string * @return {string} HTML markup of formatted result data */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.formatResult = function(oResultItem, sQuery) { var sResult = oResultItem[0]; if(sResult) { return sResult; } else { return ""; } }; /*************************************************************************** * Events ***************************************************************************/ /** * Fired when the auto complete text input box receives focus. Subscribers * receive the following array:
* - args[0] The auto complete object instance */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.textboxFocusEvent = null; /** * Fired when the auto complete text input box receives key input. Subscribers * receive the following array:
* - args[0] The auto complete object instance * - args[1] The keycode number */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.textboxKeyEvent = null; /** * Fired when the auto complete instance makes a query to the data source. * Subscribers receive the following array:
* - args[0] The auto complete object instance * - args[1] The query string */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.dataRequestEvent = null; /** * Fired when the auto complete instance receives query results from the data * source. Subscribers receive the following array:
* - args[0] The auto complete object instance * - args[1] The query string * - args[2] Results array */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.dataReturnEvent = null; /** * Fired when the auto complete instance does not receive query results from the * data source due to an error. Subscribers receive the following array:
* - args[0] The auto complete object instance * - args[1] The query string */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.dataErrorEvent = null; /** * Fired when the auto complete container is expanded. Subscribers receive the * following array:
* - args[0] The auto complete object instance */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.containerExpandEvent = null; /** * Fired when the auto complete textbox has been prefilled by the type-ahead * feature. Subscribers receive the following array:
* - args[0] The auto complete object instance * - args[1] The query string * - args[2] The prefill string */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.typeAheadEvent = null; /** * Fired when result item has been moused over. Subscribers receive the following * array:
* - args[0] The auto complete object instance * - args[1] The <li> element item moused to */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.itemMouseOverEvent = null; /** * Fired when result item has been moused out. Subscribers receive the * following array:
* - args[0] The auto complete object instance * - args[1] The <li> element item moused from */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.itemMouseOutEvent = null; /** * Fired when result item has been arrowed to. Subscribers receive the following * array:
* - args[0] The auto complete object instance * - args[1] The <li> element item arrowed to */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.itemArrowToEvent = null; /** * Fired when result item has been arrowed away from. Subscribers receive the * following array:
* - args[0] The auto complete object instance * - args[1] The <li> element item arrowed from */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.itemArrowFromEvent = null; /** * Fired when an item is selected via mouse click, ENTER key, or TAB key. * Subscribers receive the following array:
* - args[0] The auto complete object instance * - args[1] The selected <li> element item */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.itemSelectEvent = null; /** * Fired if forceSelection is enabled and the user's input has been cleared * because it did not match one of the returned query results. Subscribers * receive the following array:
* - args[0] The auto complete object instance */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.selectionEnforceEvent = null; /** * Fired when the auto complete container is collapsed. Subscribers receive the * following array:
* - args[0] The auto complete object instance */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.containerCollapseEvent = null; /** * Fired when the auto complete text input box loses focus. Subscribers receive * an array of the following array:
* - args[0] The auto complete object instance */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.textboxBlurEvent = null; /*************************************************************************** * Private member variables ***************************************************************************/ /** * Internal class variable to index multiple auto complete instances. * * @type number * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete._nIndex = 0; /** * Name of auto complete instance. * * @type string * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._sName = null; /** * Text input box DOM element. * * @type object * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._oTextbox = null; /** * Whether or not the textbox is currently in focus. If query results come back * but the user has already moved on, do not proceed with auto complete behavior. * * @type boolean * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._bFocused = true; /** * Animation instance for container expand/collapse. * * @type boolean * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._oAnim = null; /** * Container DOM element. * * @type object * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._oContainer = null; /** * Whether or not the auto complete container is currently open. * * @type boolean * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._bContainerOpen = false; /** * Whether or not the mouse is currently over the auto complete * container. This is necessary in order to prevent clicks on container items * from being text input box blur events. * * @type boolean * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._bOverContainer = false; /** * iFrame DOM element. Only used in IE for iframe trick. * * @type object * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._oIFrame = null; /** * Content DOM element. Only used in IE for iFrame trick. * * @type object * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._oContent = null; /** * Container header DOM element. * * @type object * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._oHeader = null; /** * Container footer DOM element. * * @type object * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._oFooter = null; /** * Array of <li> elements IDs used to display query results within the * auto complete container. * * @type array * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._aListIds = null; /** * Number of <li> elements currently displayed in auto complete container. * * @type number * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._nDisplayedItems = 0; /** * Current query string * * @type string * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._sCurQuery = null; /** * Past queries this session (for saving delimited queries). * * @type string * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._sSavedQuery = null; /** * Pointer to the currently highlighted <li> element in the container. * * @type object * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._oCurItem = null; /** * Whether or not an item has been selected since the container was populated * with results. Reset to false by _populateList, and set to true when item is * selected. * * @type boolean * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._bItemSelected = false; /** * Key code of the last key pressed in textbox. * * @type number * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._nKeyCode = null; /** * Delay timeout ID. * * @type number * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._nDelayID = -1; /*************************************************************************** * Private methods ***************************************************************************/ /** * Updates and validates latest public config properties. * * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._initProps = function() { // Correct any invalid values var minQueryLength = this.minQueryLength; if(isNaN(minQueryLength) || (minQueryLength < 1)) { minQueryLength = 1; } var maxResultsDisplayed = this.maxResultsDisplayed; if(isNaN(this.maxResultsDisplayed) || (this.maxResultsDisplayed < 1)) { this.maxResultsDisplayed = 10; } var queryDelay = this.queryDelay; if(isNaN(this.queryDelay) || (this.queryDelay < 0)) { this.queryDelay = 0.5; } var aDelimChar = (this.delimChar) ? this.delimChar : null; if(aDelimChar) { if(typeof aDelimChar == "string") { this.delimChar = [aDelimChar]; } else if(aDelimChar.constructor != Array) { this.delimChar = null; } } var animSpeed = this.animSpeed; if(this.animHoriz || this.animVert) { if(isNaN(animSpeed) || (animSpeed < 0)) { animSpeed = 0.3; } if(!this._oAnim && YAHOO.util.Anim) { this._oAnim = new YAHOO.util.Anim(this._oContainer, {}, animSpeed); } else if(this._oAnim) { this._oAnim.duration = animSpeed; } } if(this.forceSelection && this.delimChar) { //YAHOO.log(oSelf.getName() + " has enabled force selection with delimiter character(s) defined.","warn"); } if (!this._aListIds) { this._aListIds = []; } if(!this._aListIds || (this.maxResultsDisplayed != this._aListIds.length)) { this._initContainer(); } }; /** * Initializes the auto complete container * * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._initContainer = function() { // Create the max number of
  • elements, but hide them all this._aListIds = []; var aItemsMarkup = []; var sName = this._sName; var sPrefix = sName + "item"; var sHeaderID = sName + "header"; var sFooterID = sName + "footer"; for(var i = this.maxResultsDisplayed-1; i >= 0 ; i--) { var sItemID = sPrefix + i; this._aListIds[i] = sItemID; aItemsMarkup.unshift("
  • \n"); } var sList = ""; // Need this iFrame trick to make sure the container appears over form // elements to workaround IE z-index bug var sContent = (this.useIFrame) ? ["
    ", "
    ", sList, "
    ", "
    "] : ["
    ", sList, "
    "]; sContent = sContent.join(""); this._oContainer.innerHTML = sContent; this._oHeader = document.getElementById(sHeaderID); this._oFooter = document.getElementById(sFooterID); if (this.useIFrame) { this._oContent = document.getElementById(sName + "content"); this._oIFrame = document.getElementById(sName + "iframe"); this._oContent.style.position = "relative"; this._oIFrame.style.position = "relative"; this._oContent.style.zIndex = 9050; } this._oContainer.style.display = "none"; this._oHeader.style.display = "none"; this._oFooter.style.display = "none"; this._initItems(); }; /** * Initializes up to YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete#maxResultsDisplayed <li> * elements in the container. * * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._initItems = function() { // set properties & events for each item now that they are in the DOM for(var i = this.maxResultsDisplayed-1; i >= 0 ; i--) { var oItem = document.getElementById(this._aListIds[i]); this._initItem(oItem, i); } }; /** * Initializes each <li> element in the container . * * @param {object} oItem The <li> DOM element * @param {number} onItemIndex The index of the element * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._initItem = function(oItem, nItemIndex) { var oSelf = this; oItem.style.display = "none"; oItem._nItemIndex = nItemIndex; oItem.mouseover = oItem.mouseout = oItem.onclick = null; YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(oItem,'mouseover',oSelf._onItemMouseover,oSelf); YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(oItem,'mouseout',oSelf._onItemMouseout,oSelf); YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(oItem,'click',oSelf._onItemMouseclick,oSelf); }; /** * Handles <li> element mouseover events in the container. * * @param {event} v The mouseover event * @param {object} oSelf The auto complete instance * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._onItemMouseover = function(v,oSelf) { oSelf._toggleHighlight(this,'mouseover'); oSelf.itemMouseOverEvent.fire(oSelf, this); //YAHOO.log(oSelf.getName() + " moused over " + this.id); }; /** * Handles <li> element mouseout events in the container. * * @param {event} v The mouseout event * @param {object} oSelf The auto complete instance * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._onItemMouseout = function(v,oSelf) { oSelf._toggleHighlight(this,'mouseout'); oSelf.itemMouseOutEvent.fire(oSelf, this); //YAHOO.log(oSelf.getName() + " moused out from " + this.id); }; /** * Handles <li> element click events in the container. * * @param {event} v The click event * @param {object} oSelf The auto complete instance * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._onItemMouseclick = function(v,oSelf) { // In case item has not been moused over oSelf._toggleHighlight(this,'mouseover'); oSelf._selectItem(this); }; /** * Handles container mouseover events. * * @param {event} v The mouseover event * @param {object} oSelf The auto complete instance * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._onContainerMouseover = function(v,oSelf) { oSelf._bOverContainer = true; }; /** * Handles container mouseout events. * * @param {event} v The mouseout event * @param {object} oSelf The auto complete instance * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._onContainerMouseout = function(v,oSelf) { oSelf._bOverContainer = false; // If container is still active if(oSelf._oCurItem) { oSelf._toggleHighlight(oSelf._oCurItem,'mouseover'); } }; /** * Handles container scroll events. * * @param {event} v The scroll event * @param {object} oSelf The auto complete instance * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._onContainerScroll = function(v,oSelf) { oSelf._oTextbox.focus(); }; /** * Handles textbox keydown events of functional keys, mainly for UI behavior. * * @param {event} v The keydown event * @param {object} oSelf The auto complete instance * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._onTextboxKeyDown = function(v,oSelf) { var nKeyCode = v.keyCode; switch (nKeyCode) { case 9: // tab if(oSelf.delimChar && (oSelf._nKeyCode != nKeyCode)) { if(oSelf._bContainerOpen) { YAHOO.util.Event.stopEvent(v); } } // select an item or clear out if(oSelf._oCurItem) { oSelf._selectItem(oSelf._oCurItem); } else { oSelf._clearList(); } break; case 13: // enter if(oSelf._nKeyCode != nKeyCode) { if(oSelf._bContainerOpen) { YAHOO.util.Event.stopEvent(v); } } if(oSelf._oCurItem) { oSelf._selectItem(oSelf._oCurItem); } else { oSelf._clearList(); } break; case 27: // esc oSelf._clearList(); return; case 39: // right oSelf._jumpSelection(); break; case 38: // up YAHOO.util.Event.stopEvent(v); oSelf._moveSelection(nKeyCode); break; case 40: // down YAHOO.util.Event.stopEvent(v); oSelf._moveSelection(nKeyCode); break; default: break; } }; /** * Handles textbox keypress events, mainly for FF. * * @param {event} v The keyup event * @param {object} oSelf The auto complete instance * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._onTextboxKeyPress = function(v,oSelf) { var nKeyCode = v.keyCode; // for FF < 1.0 switch (nKeyCode) { case 9: // tab case 13: // enter if(oSelf.delimChar && (oSelf._nKeyCode != nKeyCode)) { if(oSelf._bContainerOpen) { YAHOO.util.Event.stopEvent(v); } } break; case 38: // up case 40: // down YAHOO.util.Event.stopEvent(v); break; default: break; } }; /** * Handles textbox keyup events that trigger queries. * * @param {event} v The keyup event * @param {object} oSelf The auto complete instance * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._onTextboxKeyUp = function(v,oSelf) { // Check to see if any of the public properties have been updated oSelf._initProps(); var nKeyCode = v.keyCode; oSelf._nKeyCode = nKeyCode; var sChar = String.fromCharCode(nKeyCode); var sText = this.value; //string in textbox // Filter out chars that don't trigger queries if (oSelf._isIgnoreKey(nKeyCode) || (sText.toLowerCase() == this._sCurQuery)) { return; } else { oSelf.textboxKeyEvent.fire(oSelf, nKeyCode); //YAHOO.log(oSelf.getName() + " received key input " + nKeyCode); } // Set timeout on the request if (oSelf.queryDelay > 0) { var nDelayID = setTimeout(function(){oSelf._sendQuery(sText);},(oSelf.queryDelay * 1000)); if (oSelf._nDelayID != -1) { clearTimeout(oSelf._nDelayID); } oSelf._nDelayID = nDelayID; } else { // No delay so send request immediately oSelf._sendQuery(sText); } }; /** * Whether or not key is functional or should be ignored. Note that the right * arrow key is NOT an ignored key since it triggers queries for certain intl * charsets. * * @param {number} nKeycode Code of key pressed * @return {boolean} Whether or not to be ignore key * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._isIgnoreKey = function(nKeyCode) { if(this.typeAhead) { // fewer query triggers when type ahead is on if((nKeyCode == 8) || // backspace (nKeyCode == 39) || // right (nKeyCode == 46)) { // delete return true; } } if ((nKeyCode == 9) || (nKeyCode == 13) || // tab, enter (nKeyCode == 16) || (nKeyCode == 17) || // shift, ctl (nKeyCode >= 18 && nKeyCode <= 20) || // alt,pause/break,caps lock (nKeyCode == 27) || // esc (nKeyCode >= 33 && nKeyCode <= 35) || // page up,page down,end (nKeyCode >= 36 && nKeyCode <= 38) || // home,left,up (nKeyCode == 40) || // down (nKeyCode >= 44 && nKeyCode <= 45)) { // print screen,insert return true; } return false; }; /** * Handles text input box receiving focus. * * @param {event} v The focus event * @param {object} oSelf The auto complete instance * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._onTextboxFocus = function (v,oSelf) { oSelf._oTextbox.setAttribute("autocomplete","off"); oSelf._bFocused = true; oSelf.textboxFocusEvent.fire(oSelf); //YAHOO.log(oSelf.getName() + " textbox focused"); }; /** * Handles text input box losing focus. * * @param {event} v The focus event * @param {object} oSelf The auto complete instance * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._onTextboxBlur = function (v,oSelf) { // Don't treat as a blur if it was a selection via mouse click if(!oSelf._bOverContainer || (oSelf._nKeyCode == 9)) { // Current query needs to be validated if(oSelf.forceSelection && !oSelf._bItemSelected) { if(!oSelf._bContainerOpen || (oSelf._bContainerOpen && !oSelf._textMatchesOption())) { oSelf._clearSelection(); } } if(oSelf._bContainerOpen) { oSelf._clearList(); } oSelf._bFocused = false; oSelf.textboxBlurEvent.fire(oSelf); //YAHOO.log(oSelf.getName() + " textbox blurred"); } }; /** * Handles form submission event. * * @param {event} v The submit event * @param {object} oSelf The auto complete instance * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._onFormSubmit = function(v,oSelf) { oSelf._oTextbox.setAttribute("autocomplete","on"); }; /** * Makes query request to the data source. * * @param {string} sQuery Query string. * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._sendQuery = function(sQuery) { // Delimiter has been enabled var aDelimChar = (this.delimChar) ? this.delimChar : null; if(aDelimChar) { // Loop through all possible delimiters and find the latest one // A " " may be a false positive if they are defined as delimiters AND // are used to separate delimited queries var nDelimIndex = -1; for(var i = aDelimChar.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { var nNewIndex = sQuery.lastIndexOf(aDelimChar[i]); if(nNewIndex > nDelimIndex) { nDelimIndex = nNewIndex; } } // If we think the last delimiter is a space (" "), make sure it is NOT // a false positive by also checking the char directly before it if(aDelimChar[i] == " ") { for (var j = aDelimChar.length-1; j >= 0; j--) { if(sQuery[nDelimIndex - 1] == aDelimChar[j]) { nDelimIndex--; break; } } } // A delimiter has been found so extract the latest query if (nDelimIndex > -1) { var nQueryStart = nDelimIndex + 1; // Trim any white space from the beginning... while(sQuery.charAt(nQueryStart) == " ") { nQueryStart += 1; } // ...and save the rest of the string for later this._sSavedQuery = sQuery.substring(0,nQueryStart); // Here is the query itself sQuery = sQuery.substr(nQueryStart); } else if(sQuery.indexOf(this._sSavedQuery) < 0){ this._sSavedQuery = null; } } // Don't search queries that are too short if (sQuery.length < this.minQueryLength) { if (this._nDelayID != -1) { clearTimeout(this._nDelayID); } this._clearList(); return; } sQuery = encodeURI(sQuery); this._nDelayID = -1; // Reset timeout ID because request has been made this.dataRequestEvent.fire(this, sQuery); //YAHOO.log(this.getName() + " requested data for query \"" + sQuery + "\""); this.dataSource.getResults(this._populateList, sQuery, this); }; /** * Hides all visuals related to the array of <li> elements in the container. * * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._clearList = function() { this._oContainer.scrollTop = 0; var aItems = this._aListIds; for(var i = aItems.length-1; i >= 0 ; i--) { document.getElementById(aItems[i]).style.display = "none"; } if (this._oCurItem) { this._toggleHighlight(this._oCurItem,'mouseout'); } this._oCurItem = null; this._nDisplayedItems = 0; this._sCurQuery = null; this._toggleContainer(false); }; /** * Populates the array of <li> elements in the container with query * results. This method is passed to YAHOO.widget.DataSource#getResults as a * callback function so results from the datasource are returned to the * auto complete instance. * * @param {string} sQuery The query string * @param {object} aResults An array of query result objects from the data source * @param {string} oSelf The auto complete instance * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._populateList = function(sQuery, aResults, oSelf) { if(aResults === null) { oSelf.dataErrorEvent.fire(oSelf, sQuery); //YAHOO.log(oSelf.getName() + " data error for query \"" + sQuery + "\""); } else { oSelf.dataReturnEvent.fire(oSelf, sQuery, aResults); //YAHOO.log(oSelf.getName() + " received " + aResults.length + " results for query \"" + sQuery + "\""); } if (!oSelf._bFocused || !aResults) { return; } var isOpera = (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("opera") != -1); oSelf._oContainer.style.width = (!isOpera) ? null : ""; oSelf._oContainer.style.height = (!isOpera) ? null : ""; var sCurQuery = decodeURI(sQuery); oSelf._sCurQuery = sCurQuery; var aItems = oSelf._aListIds; oSelf._bItemSelected = false; var nItems = Math.min(aResults.length,oSelf.maxResultsDisplayed); oSelf._nDisplayedItems = nItems; if (nItems > 0) { // Fill items with data for(var i = nItems-1; i >= 0 ; i--) { var oItemi = document.getElementById(aItems[i]); var oResultItemi = aResults[i]; oItemi.innerHTML = oSelf.formatResult(oResultItemi, sCurQuery); oItemi.style.display = "list-item"; oItemi._sResultKey = oResultItemi[0]; oItemi._oResultData = oResultItemi; } // Empty out remaining items if any for(var j = aItems.length-1; j >= nItems ; j--) { var oItemj = document.getElementById(aItems[j]); oItemj.innerHTML = null; oItemj.style.display = "none"; oItemj._sResultKey = null; oItemj._oResultData = null; } // Select first item and show UI var oFirstItem = document.getElementById(aItems[0]); oSelf._toggleHighlight(oFirstItem,'mouseover'); oSelf._toggleContainer(true); oSelf.itemArrowToEvent.fire(oSelf, oFirstItem); //YAHOO.log(oSelf.getName() + " arrowed to item " + oFirstItem.id); oSelf._typeAhead(oFirstItem,sQuery); oSelf._oCurItem = oFirstItem; } else { oSelf._clearList(); } }; /** * When YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete#bForceSelection is true and the user attempts * leave the text input box without selecting an item from the query results, * the user selection is cleared. * * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._clearSelection = function() { var sValue = this._oTextbox.value; var sChar = (this.delimChar) ? this.delimChar[0] : null; var nIndex = (sChar) ? sValue.lastIndexOf(sChar, sValue.length-2) : -1; if(nIndex > -1) { this._oTextbox.value = sValue.substring(0,nIndex); } else { this._oTextbox.value = ""; } this._sSavedQuery = this._oTextbox.value; // Fire custom event this.selectionEnforceEvent.fire(this); //YAHOO.log(this.getName() + " cleared an invalid selection"); }; /** * Whether or not user-typed value in the text input box matches any of the * query results. * * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._textMatchesOption = function() { var foundMatch = false; for(var i = this._nDisplayedItems-1; i >= 0 ; i--) { var oItem = document.getElementById(this._aListIds[i]); var sMatch = oItem._sResultKey.toLowerCase(); if (sMatch == this._sCurQuery.toLowerCase()) { foundMatch = true; break; } } return(foundMatch); }; /** * Updates in the text input box with the first query result as the user types, * selecting the substring that the user has not typed. * * @param {object} oItem The <li> element item whose data populates the input field * @param {string} sQuery Query string * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._typeAhead = function(oItem, sQuery) { var oTextbox = this._oTextbox; var sValue = this._oTextbox.value; // any saved queries plus what user has typed // Don't update with type-ahead if turned off if (!this.typeAhead) { return; } // Don't update with type-ahead if text selection is not supported if(!oTextbox.setSelectionRange && !oTextbox.createTextRange) { return; } // Select the portion of text that the user has not typed var nStart = sValue.length; this._updateValue(oItem); var nEnd = oTextbox.value.length; this._selectText(oTextbox,nStart,nEnd); var sPrefill = oTextbox.value.substr(nStart,nEnd); this.typeAheadEvent.fire(this,sQuery,sPrefill); //YAHOO.log(this.getName() + " prefilled \"" + sPrefill + "\" for query " + sQuery + "\""); }; /** * Selects text in a text input box. * * @param {object} oTextbox Text input box element in which to select text * @param {number} nStart Starting index of text string to select * @param {number} nEnd Ending index of text selection * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._selectText = function(oTextbox, nStart, nEnd) { if (oTextbox.setSelectionRange) { // For Mozilla oTextbox.setSelectionRange(nStart,nEnd); } else if (oTextbox.createTextRange) { // For IE var oTextRange = oTextbox.createTextRange(); oTextRange.moveStart("character", nStart); oTextRange.moveEnd("character", nEnd-oTextbox.value.length); oTextRange.select(); } else { oTextbox.select(); } }; /** * Animates expansion or collapse of the container. * * @param {boolean} bShow True if container should be expanded, false if * container should be collapsed * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._toggleContainer = function(bShow) { var oContainer = this._oContainer; // Don't animate if it's already closed && !bShow if (!bShow && !this._bContainerOpen) { oContainer.style.display = "none"; return; } var oContent = this._oContent; var oIFrame = this._oIFrame; // Make the iframe used in the ie trick the same dimension as the content if (bShow && oContent && oIFrame) { var sDisplay = oContainer.style.display; oContainer.style.display = "block"; oIFrame.style.width = oContent.offsetWidth+"px"; oIFrame.style.height = oContent.offsetHeight+"px"; oIFrame.style.marginTop = "-"+oContent.offsetHeight+"px"; oContainer.style.display = sDisplay; } // If animation is enabled... var oAnim = this._oAnim; if (oAnim && oAnim.getEl() && (this.animHoriz || this.animVert)) { if(oAnim.isAnimated()) { oAnim.stop(); } // Clone container to grab current size offscreen var oClone = oContainer.cloneNode(true); oContainer.parentNode.appendChild(oClone); oClone.style.top = "-9000px"; oClone.style.display = "block"; // Current size of the container is the EXPANDED size var wExp = oClone.offsetWidth; var hExp = oClone.offsetHeight; // Calculate COLLAPSED sizes based on horiz and vert anim var wColl = (this.animHoriz) ? 0 : wExp; var hColl = (this.animVert) ? 0 : hExp; // Set animation sizes oAnim.attributes = (bShow) ? {width: { to: wExp }, height: { to: hExp }} : {width: { to: wColl}, height: { to: hColl }}; // If opening anew, set to a collapsed size... if(bShow && !this._bContainerOpen) { oContainer.style.width = wColl+"px"; oContainer.style.height = hColl+"px"; } // Else, set it to its last known size. else { oContainer.style.width = wExp+"px"; oContainer.style.height = hExp+"px"; } oContainer.parentNode.removeChild(oClone); oClone = null; var oSelf = this; var onAnimComplete = function() { // Finish the collapse if(!bShow) { oContainer.style.display = "none"; } oAnim.onComplete.unsubscribeAll(); // Call event on expand/collapse (overridden by client) if(bShow) { oSelf.containerExpandEvent.fire(oSelf); //YAHOO.log(oSelf.getName() + " container expanded"); } else { oSelf.containerCollapseEvent.fire(oSelf); //YAHOO.log(oSelf.getName() + " container collapsed"); } }; // Display container and animate it oContainer.style.display = "block"; oAnim.onComplete.subscribe(onAnimComplete); oAnim.animate(); this._bContainerOpen = bShow; } // Else don't animate, just show or hide else { this._bContainerOpen = bShow; oContainer.style.display = (bShow) ? "block" : "none"; // Call event on expand/collapse (overriden by client) if(bShow) { this.containerExpandEvent.fire(this); //YAHOO.log(this.getName() + " container expanded"); } else { this.containerCollapseEvent.fire(this); //YAHOO.log(this.getName() + " container collapsed"); } } }; /** * Toggles the highlight on or off for an item in the container, and also cleans * up highlighting of any previous item. * * @param {object} oNewItem New The <li> element item to receive highlight * behavior * @param {string} sType "mouseover" will toggle highlight on, and "mouseout" * will toggle highlight off. * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._toggleHighlight = function(oNewItem, sType) { oNewItem.className = oNewItem.className.replace(this.highlightClassName,""); if(this._oCurItem) { this._oCurItem.className = this._oCurItem.className.replace(this.highlightClassName,""); } if(sType == 'mouseover') { oNewItem.className += " " + this.highlightClassName; this._oCurItem = oNewItem; } }; /** * Updates the text input box value with selected query result. If a delimiter * has been defined, then the value gets appended with the delimiter. * * @param {object} oItem The <li> element item with which to update the value * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._updateValue = function(oItem) { var oTextbox = this._oTextbox; var sDelimChar = (this.delimChar) ? this.delimChar[0] : null; var sSavedQuery = this._sSavedQuery; var sResultKey = oItem._sResultKey; oTextbox.focus(); // First clear text field oTextbox.value = ""; // Grab data to put into text field if(sDelimChar) { if(sSavedQuery) { oTextbox.value = sSavedQuery; } oTextbox.value += sResultKey + sDelimChar; if(sDelimChar != " ") { oTextbox.value += " "; } } else { oTextbox.value = sResultKey; } // scroll to bottom of textarea if necessary if(oTextbox.type == "textarea") { oTextbox.scrollTop = oTextbox.scrollHeight; } // move cursor to end var end = oTextbox.value.length; this._selectText(oTextbox,end,end); this._oCurItem = oItem; }; /** * Selects a result item from the container * * @param {object} oItem The selected <li> element item * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._selectItem = function(oItem) { this._bItemSelected = true; this._updateValue(oItem); this.itemSelectEvent.fire(this, oItem); //YAHOO.log(this.getName() + " selected item " + oItem.id); this._clearList(); }; /** * For values updated by type-ahead, the right arrow key jumps to the end * of the textbox, otherwise the container is closed. * * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._jumpSelection = function() { if(!this.typeAhead) { return; } else { this._clearList(); } }; /** * Triggered by up and down arrow keys, changes the current highlighted * <li> element item. Scrolls container if necessary. * * @param {number} nKeyCode Code of key pressed * @private */ YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._moveSelection = function(nKeyCode) { if(this._bContainerOpen) { // determine current item's id number var oCurItem = this._oCurItem; var nCurItemIndex = -1; if (oCurItem) { nCurItemIndex = oCurItem._nItemIndex; } var nNewItemIndex = (nKeyCode == 40) ? (nCurItemIndex + 1) : (nCurItemIndex - 1); // out of bounds if (nNewItemIndex < -2 || nNewItemIndex >= this._nDisplayedItems) { return; } if (oCurItem) { // Unhighlight current item this._toggleHighlight(oCurItem, 'mouseout'); this.itemArrowFromEvent.fire(this, oCurItem); //YAHOO.log(this.getName() + " arrowed from " + oCurItem.id); } if (nNewItemIndex == -1) { // go back to query (remove type-ahead string) if(this.delimChar && this._sSavedQuery) { if (!this._textMatchesOption()) { this._oTextbox.value = this._sSavedQuery; } else { this._oTextbox.value = this._sSavedQuery + this._sCurQuery; } } else { this._oTextbox.value = this._sCurQuery; } this._oCurItem = null; return; } if (nNewItemIndex == -2) { // close container this._clearList(); return; } var oNewItem = document.getElementById(this._sName + "item" + nNewItemIndex); // Scroll the container if necessary if((YAHOO.util.Dom.getStyle(this._oContainer,"overflow") == "auto") && (nNewItemIndex > -1) && (nNewItemIndex < this._nDisplayedItems)) { // User is keying down if(nKeyCode == 40) { // Bottom of selected item is below scroll area... if((oNewItem.offsetTop+oNewItem.offsetHeight) > (this._oContainer.scrollTop + this._oContainer.offsetHeight)) { // Set bottom of scroll area to bottom of selected item this._oContainer.scrollTop = (oNewItem.offsetTop+oNewItem.offsetHeight) - this._oContainer.offsetHeight; } // Bottom of selected item is above scroll area... else if((oNewItem.offsetTop+oNewItem.offsetHeight) < this._oContainer.scrollTop) { // Set top of selected item to top of scroll area this._oContainer.scrollTop = oNewItem.offsetTop; } } // User is keying up else { // Top of selected item is above scroll area if(oNewItem.offsetTop < this._oContainer.scrollTop) { // Set top of scroll area to top of selected item this._oContainer.scrollTop = oNewItem.offsetTop; } // Top of selected item is below scroll area else if(oNewItem.offsetTop > (this._oContainer.scrollTop + this._oContainer.offsetHeight)) { // Set bottom of selected item to bottom of scroll area this._oContainer.scrollTop = (oNewItem.offsetTop+oNewItem.offsetHeight) - this._oContainer.offsetHeight; } } } this._toggleHighlight(oNewItem, 'mouseover'); this.itemArrowToEvent.fire(this, oNewItem); //YAHOO.log(this.getName() + " arrowed to " + oNewItem.id); if(this.typeAhead) { this._updateValue(oNewItem); } } }; /****************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************/ /** * Class providing encapsulation of a data source. * * @constructor * */ YAHOO.widget.DataSource = function() { /* abstract class */ }; /*************************************************************************** * Public constants ***************************************************************************/ /** * Error message for null data responses. * * @type constant * @final */ YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype.ERROR_DATANULL = "Response data was null"; /** * Error message for data responses with parsing errors. * * @type constant * @final */ YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype.ERROR_DATAPARSE = "Response data could not be parsed"; /*************************************************************************** * Public member variables ***************************************************************************/ /** * Max size of the local cache. Set to 0 to turn off caching. Caching is * useful to reduce the number of server connections. Recommended only for data * sources that return comprehensive results for queries or when stale data is * not an issue. Default: 15. * * @type number */ YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype.maxCacheEntries = 15; /** * Use this to equate cache matching with the type of matching done by your live * data source. If caching is on and queryMatchContains is true, the cache * returns results that "contain" the query string. By default, * queryMatchContains is set to false, meaning the cache only returns results * that "start with" the query string. Default: false. * * @type boolean */ YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype.queryMatchContains = false; /** * Data source query subset matching. If caching is on and queryMatchSubset is * true, substrings of queries will return matching cached results. For * instance, if the first query is for "abc" susequent queries that start with * "abc", like "abcd", will be queried against the cache, and not the live data * source. Recommended only for data sources that return comprehensive results * for queries with very few characters. Default: false. * * @type boolean */ YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype.queryMatchSubset = false; /** * Data source query case-sensitivity matching. If caching is on and * queryMatchCase is true, queries will only return results for case-sensitive * matches. Default: false. * * @type boolean */ YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype.queryMatchCase = false; /*************************************************************************** * Public methods ***************************************************************************/ /** * Retrieves query results, first checking the local cache, then making the * query request to the live data source as defined by the function doQuery. * * @param {object} oCallbackFn Callback function defined by oParent object to * which to return results * @param {string} sQuery Query string * @param {object} oParent The object instance that has requested data */ YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype.getResults = function(oCallbackFn, sQuery, oParent) { // First look in cache var aResults = this._doQueryCache(oCallbackFn,sQuery,oParent); // Not in cache, so get results from server if(aResults.length === 0) { this.queryEvent.fire(this, oParent, sQuery); //YAHOO.log("Data source for " + oParent.getName() + " made source query for '" + sQuery + "'."); this.doQuery(oCallbackFn, sQuery, oParent); } }; /** * Abstract method implemented by subclasses to make a query to the live data * source. Must call the callback function with the response returned from the * query. Populates cache (if enabled). * * @param {object} oCallbackFn Callback function implemented by oParent to * which to return results * @param {string} sQuery Query string * @param {object} oParent The object instance that has requested data */ YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype.doQuery = function(oCallbackFn, sQuery, oParent) { /* override this */ }; /** * Flushes cache. */ YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype.flushCache = function() { if(this._aCache) { this._aCache = []; } if(this._aCacheHelper) { this._aCacheHelper = []; } this.cacheFlushEvent.fire(this); //YAHOO.log("Cache flushed"); }; /*************************************************************************** * Events ***************************************************************************/ /** * Fired when a query is made to the live data source. Subscribers receive the * following array:
    * - args[0] The data source instance * - args[1] The requesting object * - args[2] The query string */ YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype.queryEvent = null; /** * Fired when a query is made to the local cache. Subscribers receive the * following array:
    * - args[0] The data source instance * - args[1] The requesting object * - args[2] The query string */ YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype.cacheQueryEvent = null; /** * Fired when data is retrieved from the live data source. Subscribers receive * the following array:
    * - args[0] The data source instance * - args[1] The requesting object * - args[2] The query string * - args[3] Array of result objects */ YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype.getResultsEvent = null; /** * Fired when data is retrieved from the local cache. Subscribers receive the * following array :
    * - args[0] The data source instance * - args[1] The requesting object * - args[2] The query string * - args[3] Array of result objects */ YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype.getCachedResultsEvent = null; /** * Fired when an error is encountered with the live data source. Subscribers * receive the following array:
    * - args[0] The data source instance * - args[1] The requesting object * - args[2] The query string * - args[3] Error message string */ YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype.dataErrorEvent = null; /** * Fired when the local cache is flushed. Subscribers receive the following * array :
    * - args[0] The data source instance */ YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype.cacheFlushEvent = null; /*************************************************************************** * Private member variables ***************************************************************************/ /** * Local cache of data result objects indexed chronologically. * * @type array * @private */ YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype._aCache = null; /*************************************************************************** * Private methods ***************************************************************************/ /** * Initializes data source instance. * * @private */ YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype._init = function() { // Validate and initialize public configs var maxCacheEntries = this.maxCacheEntries; if(isNaN(maxCacheEntries) || (maxCacheEntries < 0)) { maxCacheEntries = 0; } // Initialize local cache if(maxCacheEntries > 0 && !this._aCache) { this._aCache = []; } this.queryEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("query", this); this.cacheQueryEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("cacheQuery", this); this.getResultsEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("getResults", this); this.getCachedResultsEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("getCachedResults", this); this.dataErrorEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("dataError", this); this.cacheFlushEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("cacheFlush", this); }; /** * Adds a result object to the local cache, evicting the oldest element if the * cache is full. Newer items will have higher indexes, the oldest item will have * index of 0. * * @param {object} resultObj Object literal of data results, including internal * properties and an array of result objects * @private */ YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype._addCacheElem = function(resultObj) { var aCache = this._aCache; // Don't add if anything important is missing. if(!aCache || !resultObj || !resultObj.query || !resultObj.results) { return; } // If the cache is full, make room by removing from index=0 if(aCache.length >= this.maxCacheEntries) { aCache.shift(); } // Add to cache, at the end of the array aCache.push(resultObj); }; /** * Queries the local cache for results. If query has been cached, the callback * function is called with the results, and the cached is refreshed so that it * is now the newest element. * * @param {object} oCallbackFn Callback function defined by oParent object to * which to return results * @param {string} sQuery Query string * @param {object} oParent The object instance that has requested data * @return {array} aResults Result object from local cache if found, otherwise * null * @private */ YAHOO.widget.DataSource.prototype._doQueryCache = function(oCallbackFn, sQuery, oParent) { var aResults = []; var bMatchFound = false; var aCache = this._aCache; var nCacheLength = (aCache) ? aCache.length : 0; var bMatchContains = this.queryMatchContains; // If cache is enabled... if((this.maxCacheEntries > 0) && aCache && (nCacheLength > 0)) { this.cacheQueryEvent.fire(this, oParent, sQuery); //YAHOO.log("Data source for " + oParent.getName() + " made cache query for '" + sQuery + "'."); // If case is unimportant, normalize query now instead of in loops if(!this.queryMatchCase) { var sOrigQuery = sQuery; sQuery = sQuery.toLowerCase(); } // Loop through each cached element's query property... for(var i = nCacheLength-1; i >= 0; i--) { var resultObj = aCache[i]; var aAllResultItems = resultObj.results; // If case is unimportant, normalize match key for comparison var matchKey = (!this.queryMatchCase) ? encodeURI(resultObj.query.toLowerCase()): encodeURI(resultObj.query); // If a cached match key exactly matches the query... if(matchKey == sQuery) { // Stash all result objects into aResult[] and stop looping through the cache. bMatchFound = true; aResults = aAllResultItems; // The matching cache element was not the most recent, // so now we need to refresh the cache. if(i != nCacheLength-1) { // Remove element from its original location aCache.splice(i,1); // Add element as newest this._addCacheElem(resultObj); } break; } // Else if this query is not an exact match and subset matching is enabled... else if(this.queryMatchSubset) { // Loop through substrings of each cached element's query property... for(var j = sQuery.length-1; j >= 0 ; j--) { var subQuery = sQuery.substr(0,j); // If a substring of a cached sQuery exactly matches the query... if(matchKey == subQuery) { bMatchFound = true; // Go through each cached result object to match against the query... for(var k = aAllResultItems.length-1; k >= 0; k--) { var aRecord = aAllResultItems[k]; var sKeyIndex = (this.queryMatchCase) ? encodeURI(aRecord[0]).indexOf(sQuery): encodeURI(aRecord[0]).toLowerCase().indexOf(sQuery); // A STARTSWITH match is when the query is found at the beginning of the key string... if((!bMatchContains && (sKeyIndex === 0)) || // A CONTAINS match is when the query is found anywhere within the key string... (bMatchContains && (sKeyIndex > -1))) { // Stash a match into aResults[]. aResults.unshift(aRecord); } } // Add the subset match result set object as the newest element to cache, // and stop looping through the cache. resultObj = {}; resultObj.query = sQuery; resultObj.results = aResults; this._addCacheElem(resultObj); break; } } if(bMatchFound) { break; } } } // If there was a match, send along the results. if(bMatchFound) { this.getCachedResultsEvent.fire(this, oParent, sOrigQuery, aResults); //YAHOO.log("Data source for " + oParent.getName() + " got " + aResults.length + " results from cache."); oCallbackFn(sOrigQuery, aResults, oParent); } } return aResults; }; /****************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************/ /** * Implementation of YAHOO.widget.DataSource using XML HTTP requests that return * query results. * requires YAHOO.util.Connect XMLHTTPRequest library * extends YAHOO.widget.DataSource * * @constructor * @param {string} sScriptURI Absolute or relative URI to script that returns * query results as JSON, XML, or delimited flat data * @param {array} aSchema Data schema definition of results * @param {object} oConfigs Optional object literal of config params */ YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR = function(sScriptURI, aSchema, oConfigs) { // Set any config params passed in to override defaults if(typeof oConfigs == "object") { for(var sConfig in oConfigs) { this[sConfig] = oConfigs[sConfig]; } } // Initialization sequence if(!aSchema || (aSchema.constructor != Array)) { //log this.ERROR_INIT } else { this.schema = aSchema; } this.scriptURI = sScriptURI; this._init(); }; YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.prototype = new YAHOO.widget.DataSource(); /*************************************************************************** * Public constants ***************************************************************************/ /** * JSON data type * * @type constant * @final */ YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.prototype.TYPE_JSON = 0; /** * XML data type * * @type constant * @final */ YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.prototype.TYPE_XML = 1; /** * Flat file data type * * @type constant * @final */ YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.prototype.TYPE_FLAT = 2; /** * Error message for XHR failure. * * @type constant * @final */ YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.prototype.ERROR_DATAXHR = "XHR response failed"; /*************************************************************************** * Public member variables ***************************************************************************/ /** * Absolute or relative URI to script that returns query results. For instance, * queries will be sent to * ?=userinput * * @type string */ YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.prototype.scriptURI = null; /** * Query string parameter name sent to scriptURI. For instance, queries will be * sent to * ?=userinput * Default: "query". * * @type string */ YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.prototype.scriptQueryParam = "query"; /** * String of key/value pairs to append to requests made to scriptURI. Define * this string when you want to send additional query parameters to your script. * When defined, queries will be sent to * ?=userinput& * Default: "". * * @type string */ YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.prototype.scriptQueryAppend = ""; /** * XHR response data type. Other types that may be defined are TYPE_XML and * TYPE_FLAT. Default: TYPE_JSON. * * @type type */ YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.prototype.responseType = YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.prototype.TYPE_JSON; /** * String after which to strip results. If the results from the XHR are sent * back as HTML, the gzip HTML comment appears at the end of the data and should * be ignored. Default: "\n<!--" * * @type string */ YAHOO.widget.DS_XHR.prototype.responseStripAfter = "\n