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Gospel Principles


“Glossary,” Gospel Principles, 376

Aaronic Priesthood: The lesser of the two divisions of the priesthood in the Church. It includes the offices of deacon, teacher, priest, and bishop.

Adam: The first man; the father of the human race. Before his earth life, he was known as Michael. He led the righteous in the War in Heaven. He helped create the earth.

Administer the sacrament: To bless the sacrament.

Administer to the sick: To anoint and bless the sick by the power of the priesthood.

Adultery: Sexual intercourse between a married person and someone other than his or her wife or husband.

Adversary: One of Satan’s names.

Affliction: Anything causing pain or suffering.

Agency: The ability and freedom to choose good or evil.

Age of accountability: The age at which a person becomes responsible for his or her actions and may be baptized; in most cases, eight years old.

Altar: Anciently, a raised place on which sacrifices were offered. In Latter-day Saint temples today, a place where covenants are made and couples or families are sealed together for time and eternity.

Angel: A messenger sent from God.

Anoint: To place a few drops of oil on the head, usually as part of a priesthood blessing.

Apostasy: Turning away from or leaving the teachings of the gospel.

Apostle: A person called and appointed to be a special witness for Christ. An office in the Melchizedek Priesthood.

Articles of Faith: Thirteen statements written by the Prophet Joseph Smith describing some of the basic teachings and ordinances of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Atonement: The suffering and death of Jesus Christ, through which resurrection is provided to all mortals and eternal life is offered to those who have faith in Christ and repent of their sins.

Authority: The right to function in certain capacities in the Church.

Baptism by immersion: An ordinance in which a person is immersed in water and brought up out of the water. It is necessary to become a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Baptism for the dead: Baptism by immersion performed by a living person for one who is dead. This ordinance is performed in temples.

Bible: One of the standard works of the Church. It includes the Old and New Testaments.

Bishop: A man who has been ordained and set apart as the presiding high priest for a ward. He has responsibility for the temporal and spiritual well-being of all his ward members. He also presides over the Aaronic Priesthood.

Book of Mormon: One of the standard works of the Church. An account of God’s dealings with the people of the American continents from about 2,200 years before the birth of Jesus Christ to 421 years after the death of Jesus Christ. It was translated from gold plates by Joseph Smith and contains the fulness of the gospel.

Born in the covenant: Born to parents who have been sealed in the temple.

Broken heart and contrite spirit: A deep, godly sorrow for our sins; humility.

Called: To be assigned a duty or position in the Church.

Celestial kingdom: The highest kingdom of glory, where one is in the presence of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

Charity: Love and compassion; the pure love of Christ.

Chastity: Avoiding sexual relations with anyone except one’s spouse.

Comforter: The Holy Ghost.

Commandments: Directions given by God to his children to prepare them for eternal life in the world to come.

Confirmation: An ordinance in which a person is confirmed a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by the laying on of hands and given the gift of the Holy Ghost. The ordinance is performed after baptism.

Convert: One who has accepted the gospel of Jesus Christ and been baptized and confirmed. Usually applied to those who join the Church after eight years of age.

Council in Heaven: The meeting in heaven in which Heavenly Father announced the plan of salvation and chose Jesus Christ as our Redeemer.

Covenant: A binding agreement or promise between God and a person or group of people.

Create: To organize elements that already exist into a new form.

Crucifixion: A method of execution used in the days of the Savior. A person’s hands and feet were nailed or tied to a cross.

Death: Separation of a person’s spirit from his physical body.

Devil: A spirit son of God who rebelled against the Father and tried to destroy the agency of man. He is also known as Lucifer or Satan and is the author of sin.

Discernment: A spiritual gift that allows a person to understand or know something.

Disciple: A follower, especially a follower of Christ.

Dispensation: A period of time in which truth from heaven is given to people on earth through prophets.

Doctrine and Covenants: One of the standard works of the Church containing revelations given to Joseph Smith and other latter-day Presidents of the Church.

Endowment: A gift of power given through ordinances in the temple to worthy members of the Church. The endowment includes instructions about the plan of salvation.

Enduring to the end: Obedience to God’s laws to the end of mortal life.

Eternal: Everlasting, without beginning or end.

Eternity: Time without end.

Eve: Adam’s wife, the mother of the human race.

Exaltation: The highest state of happiness and glory in the celestial kingdom; the continuation of the family unit in eternity; “all that [the] Father hath” (D&C; 84:38).

Fall of Adam: The change to mortality that occurred when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden.

Family history: Research to identify ancestors.

Fast: To abstain from food and drink for the purpose of drawing closer to the Lord.

Fast offering: Contribution to the Church of the money or commodities saved by fasting for two consecutive meals.

First Presidency: A quorum that presides over the entire Church; made up of the President of the Church and his Counselors.

Foreordination: Callings given by Heavenly Father to his children to come to earth at a specific time and place to help with his work in a particular way.

Fornication: Sexual intercourse between unmarried people.

Full-tithe payer: A person who pays one-tenth of his or her annual increase to the Lord.

Gathering of Israel: The spiritual and physical gathering of all the house of Israel in the latter days.

Gentile: A person who does not belong to the chosen people. The scriptures use the word to mean (1) non-Israelites, and (2) nonmembers of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Gift of the Holy Ghost: The right, received by the laying on of hands, to enjoy the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost when we are worthy.

Gifts of the Spirit: Spiritual blessings given by God to those who are faithful to Jesus Christ.

God: Our Father in Heaven, the Father of Jesus Christ in the flesh and of the spirits of all mortals.

Godhead: Our Father in Heaven; his Son, Jesus Christ; and the Holy Ghost.

Gospel: The plan of salvation, which embraces all that is necessary for us to be saved and exalted; the good news that Jesus is the Christ.

Hell: The part of the spirit world where wicked spirits await the day of their resurrection; also the place where Satan and his followers dwell.

Holy Ghost: The third member of the Godhead; a personage of spirit.

House of Israel: Natural or adopted descendants of the sons of Jacob, who was given the name of Israel by the Lord.

Humble: Willing to learn, teachable.

Immerse: To put completely under water.

Immortal: Beyond the power of death. Immortal people cannot die.

Inspiration: Divine guidance that comes through the promptings of the Holy Ghost.

Israel: (1) The name given to Jacob of the Old Testament. (2) The name given to the descendants of Jacob’s twelve sons. (3) The modern nation to which many Jews have gathered today.

Jesus Christ: The Only Begotten Son of the Father in the flesh and the Firstborn Son in the spirit; our Redeemer and Savior.

Jew: Someone who belongs to the tribe of Judah, to the ancient kingdom of Judah, or to the Jewish religion.

Kingdom of God: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on earth; also the celestial kingdom.

Last days: The time near the end of the world and the second coming of the Savior.

Latter-day Saints: Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Laying on of hands: The placing of hands on a person’s head by a priesthood holder to bless, anoint, confirm, ordain, or heal the person.

Lord: God, master; often refers to Jesus.

Lucifer: Satan, the devil.

Mercy: Love and forgiveness.

Messiah: Jesus Christ, the Anointed One.

Millennium: One thousand years of peace when Jesus Christ will reign personally on the earth.

Mission: A period of time during which a person who has been called and set apart preaches the gospel; a task or assignment.

Missionary: A member of the Church who is called to preach the gospel to the people of the world.

Mortal: Able to die; pertaining to this life.

Mortality: Earthly existence in a body that is subject to death.

Nonmember: A person who is not a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Only Begotten Son: Jesus Christ, the only person who had God the Father as the father of his mortal body.

Ordain: To give a man a priesthood office by the laying on of hands.

Ordinances: Sacred rites and ceremonies that are necessary for eternal progression. God’s laws and commandments.

Outer darkness: The dwelling place of the devil and his followers.

Paradise: The part of the spirit world where righteous spirits await the day of their resurrection.

Patriarchal blessing: An inspired blessing declaring a person’s lineage and giving inspired counsel and insight about his or her life.

Pearl of Great Price: One of the standard works of the Church, including ancient and modern scripture.

Plan of salvation: Our Heavenly Father’s plan for his children by which they can overcome sin and death and gain eternal life.

Prayer: Communication with the Lord.

Premortal existence: The period between the birth of spirit children of God and their birth into mortal life.

Preside: To take charge of; to be in authority.

Priesthood: The power and authority of God given to men on earth to act in all things for our salvation.

Prophecy: Inspired words of a prophet about a future event.

Prophesy: To tell something before it happens.

Prophet: One who has been called of the Lord to be a special witness of the divinity of Jesus Christ. The prophet refers to the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Quorum: An organized unit of the priesthood.

Recommend: A certificate to identify people as members of the Church and to certify their worthiness to receive certain ordinances or blessings.

Redeem: To free people from the results of sins they have repented of; to free from the effects of physical death.

Redeemer: The Savior, Jesus Christ.

Remission: Forgiveness.

Repentance: Turning from sin and changing the course of one’s life to follow the Savior’s teachings.

Restitution: Giving repayment for a sin.

Restoration: To make something as it was; to reestablish; to bring back.

Resurrection: Reuniting of body and spirit, never to be separated again.

Revelation: Divine truths communicated from God to mankind.

Sabbath day: A day of worship and rest from daily work and activities; observed by members of the Church on Sunday, the first day of the week.

Sacrament: An ordinance in which bread and water are blessed and passed to members of the Church. The bread and water are emblems of the body and blood sacrificed by the Savior.

Sacrifice: To offer to God something precious; to forsake all things for the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Salvation: Inseparable connection of body and spirit brought about through the Savior’s atonement and resurrection; eternal life.

Sanctify: To make clean, pure, and spotless; to make free from the blood and sins of this world.

Satan: A name of the devil, who opposes the plan of salvation.

Savior: Jesus Christ, who has saved us from physical death and made it possible for us to be saved from spiritual death.

Scriptures: Words written and spoken by holy men of God when moved upon by the Holy Ghost.

Sealing: An ordinance performed in the temple, eternally uniting a husband and wife or children and their parents.

Second death: Spiritual death; death as to things of righteousness.

Seed: In one sense, children or descendants.

Set apart: To authorize someone, by the laying on of hands, to act in a specific calling.

Sin: Breaking the laws of God.

Son of God: The Savior, Jesus Christ.

Sons of perdition: The spirit hosts of heaven who followed Lucifer. Also, those who gain a perfect knowledge of the divinity of the Savior and then turn from him and follow Satan.

Spiritual death: Separation from the Spirit of God and from his presence.

Standard works: The volumes of scripture officially accepted by the Church: Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price.

Sustain: To support and accept.

Telestial kingdom: The lowest kingdom of glory.

Temple: A place of worship and prayer; the house of the Lord prepared and dedicated for sacred gospel ordinances.

Temple ordinance work: Sacred gospel ordinances performed in temples by the living for themselves and for those who are dead. These ordinances include baptisms, endowments, marriages, and sealings.

Terrestrial kingdom: The middle kingdom of glory.

Testify: To declare what one knows; to bear witness.

Testimony: Knowledge revealed by the Holy Ghost, of the divinity of the Savior and of gospel truths.

Tithe: Payment to the Lord of one-tenth of one’s annual increase.

Transgression: Violation or breaking of a commandment or law; sin.

Word of Wisdom: A revelation concerning health practices given to Joseph Smith in 1833; section 89 of the Doctrine and Covenants.

Worship: Reverence, honor, or devotion given to God.

Zion: The name given by the Lord to those who obey his laws. The name of the place where the righteous live.

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