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    Tea Party: Group high on Haley

    Gov.-elect Nikki Haley’s inauguration is a reason for revelry among South Carolina’s newest conservative activists, but leaders said they do not plan any tea parties to celebrate.

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'Chainsaw massacre' role-play revealed in warrants

Past allegations of child abuse, a tangled relationship history and online "chainsaw massacre role-playing" were among the subjects probed by police investigating the death of a disabled 10-year-old girl in North Carolina.

The New Congress: ‘A voice at the table’

- South Carolina’s four new Republican congressmen took their oaths of office Wednesday and pledged to move quickly to slash federal spending, cut the deficit and reduce the size of government.

The year ahead

We asked Midlands area students to tell us about their hopes and goals for 2011. And, we heard from a lot of them, wishing for everything from good grades to world peace, and much more. We’ve published some of our favorite letters in today’s


Ernest Burnell Garrington

Description: Garrington is 5 feet 7 inches tall and weighs 220 pounds. He has brown hair and hazel eyes.

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