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Updated July. 23, 2005

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All you can take with you when you die are your memories.
The Names of the Months

• January: named after Janus, protector of the gateway to heaven
• February: named after Februalia, a time period when sacrifices were made to atone for sins
• March: named after Mars, the god of war, presumably signifying that the campaigns interrupted by the winter could be resumed
• April: from aperire, Latin for “to open” (buds)
• May: named after Maia, the goddess of growth of plants
• June: from junius, Latin for the goddess Juno
• July: named after Julius Caesar
• August: named after Augustus, the first Roman Emperor
• September: from septem, Latin for “seven”
• October: from octo, Latin for “eight”
• November: from novem, Latin for “nine”
• December: from decem, Latin for “ten”

NOTE: The earliest Latin calendar was a 10-month one; thus September was the seventh month, October, the eighth, etc. July was originally called Quintilis, as the fifth month; August was originally called Sextilis, as the sixth month.

• Sunday - sone(n)day or sun(nen)day, day of the sun
• Monday - mone(n)day or mon(an)dæg, day of the moon
• Tuesday - tiwesday or tewesday, Tiw's (Tiu's) day, day of Mars
- Tiu (Twia) is the English/Germanic god of war. Mars is the Roman god of war.
• Wednesday - wodnesday or wednesdai, Woden's day, day of Mercury
- Woden is the chief Anglo-Saxon/Teutonic god. Mercury is the Roman god of commerce, travel, science.
• Thursday - thur(e)sday, Thor's day, day of Jupiter,
- Thor is the Norse god of thunder. Jupiter (Jove) is the supreme Roman god and patron.
• Friday - Freya's day, Venus's day
- Venus is the Roman goddess of love and beauty. Freya is the Teutonic goddess of love, beauty, fecundity
• Saturday - sæter(nes)dæg "Saturn's day"
- Saturn is the Roman and Italic god of agriculture, believed to have ruled the earth during an age of happiness

Thought to contemplate:

"What we do in life echoes in eternity". Marcus Aurelius 121~180 AD