
  • Carolina Coliseum: Radical shift in usage eyed

    The University of South Carolina is considering a series of campus changes that would use the Carolina Coliseum for a variety of purposes and allow the university to accommodate its growing population of students.

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Deputy shoots, kills man in a domestic dispute

ANDERSON - An Anderson County deputy shot and killed a Townville man after the sheriff says the man threatened his girlfriend and others with a shotgun.

Wilson named subcommittee chairman

U.S. Rep. Joe Wilson, a Lexington Republican, is benefiting from the Republican takeover of the U.S. House.

Photo feature: School children's season's greetings

The gallery of holiday drawings sent by Midlands area children is now complete. There are 43 pieces on exhibit. Many thanks to all the students, teachers and parents who sent submissions.


William Terry Brock Sr.

Description: Brock is 5 feet 6 inches tall and weighs 170 pounds. He has brown hair and green eyes.

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