Psychology Dictionary
Dictionary of Psychology Terms
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Psychology Terms defined from A to Z

Psychology selected terms: 522 page 1 of 21

1. A-B-C Theory The basic concept of Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) that activating events appear to cause consequences but are actually caused by Beliefs interposed between the event and the More… 0.3 KB
2. A-B-C technique A group therapy technique used with patients with schizophrenia that includes printing of the alphabet. The therapist at a blackboard prints ABC and then hands the chalk to a patient who is More… 0.5 KB
3. A-B-C-D-E Therapy (A.Ellis) A later formulation of rational-Emotive therapy (RET). It's not the activating experiences that make a person feel bad or behave poorly (ueC, the undesirable emotional More… 0.6 KB
4. A-beta fibers The A-beta fibers originate from hair follicles, Meissner's corpuscles, Pacinian corpuscles, Merkle cell endings, and Ruffini endings. These fibers transmit sensory information More… 1.4 KB
5. A-not-B error A phenomenon uncovered by the work of Jean Piaget in his theory of cognitive development of children. The A-not-B error is a particular error made by young children during substage 4 of More… 2.6 KB
6. ABA design An experimental design in which a participant's or animal subject's behavior is measured under baseline conditions (A). then an experimental treatement is applied (B) and any More… 0.6 KB
7. ABAB design An experimental design that compares two independent variables (A and B). Shifting experimental condition from A to B and then back to A and then back to B to investigate the differing More… 0.3 KB
8. ABBA design 1- An experimental design that compares two independent variables(A and B) to one another in the counterbalanced sequence A--B--B--A. Basic is the assumption that a change in the successive More… 0.8 KB
9. ABC strategy the ABC strategy, also called Abstinence, be faithful, use a condom or abstinence-plus sex education, or abstinence-based sex education, is a sex education policy based on harm reduction More… 1.9 KB
10. ABX An experimental procedure in which the subject is presented with three stimuli on each trial and must decide whether the last (X) matches the first (A) or the second (B).
11. ABX paradigm In research, when a third stimulus is to be matched with fist two. a procedure to establish different sensory thresholds. After exposure to two stimulus, A and B, is the same as A or B.
12. ACT-R A cognitive architecture mainly developed by John Robert Anderson at Carnegie Mellon University. as any other cognitive architecture, ACT-R aims to define the basic and irreducible cognitive More… 0.6 KB
13. AIDS 1- Acquired immune deficiency syndrome; a cluster of disorders such as Kaposi’s Sarcoma (KS) and opportunistic infections to which the subject is abnormally vulnerable because of collapse of More… 1.6 KB
14. AIDS dementia complex AIDS dementia complex (ADC; also known as HIV dementia, HIV encephalopathy and HIV-associated dementia) is a common neurological disorder associated with HIV infection and AIDS. It is a More… 2.1 KB
15. ALI rule Legal principle stating that a person is not responsible for criminal conduct if he or she lacks the capacity to appreciate the criminality (wrongfulness) of the act or to conform his or her More… 0.3 KB
16. Aaron Joshua Rosanoff (26 June 1878 in Pinsk, Russia—7 January 1943) was a Russian-American psychiatrist who studied psychosis and was closely associated with Eugenics Record Office and a member of the Eugenics More… 1.4 KB
17. Aaron Temkin Beck (born July 18, 1921) is an American psychiatrist and a professor emeritus at the department of psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania. Beck is known as the father of cognitive therapy More… 1.8 KB
18. Abaissement (abasement, humiliation---french) Pierre Janet's term for inability due to exhaustion (whether physical or psychological), to obey the id's demands.
19. Abalienation Obsolete term for mental illness.
20. Abandoned self (William James) Refers to no longer attempting to model oneself after an ideal self.
21. Abandonment reaction A feeling of emotional deprivation, loss of support, and loneliness experienced by children deserted or neglected by one or both parents. Also experienced by adults who have lost a loved one More… 0.2 KB
22. Abandonment threat a threat to abandon a child used by parents or other adults deliberately as a disciplinary measure, or expressed impulsively in a fit of anger. Such threats may usually arouse anxiety and a More… 0.2 KB
23. Abarognosis Abarognosis is a loss of the ability to detect the weight of an object held in the hand or to tell the difference in weight between two objects. This deficit may be caused by damage to the More… 0.4 KB
24. Abasement Henry A. Murray's term for a need to surrender one's self or will to another, to atone for real or imagined shortcomings.
25. Abasement need (Henry A. Murray) A desire to submit to aggressive punishing behavior ot others, or to humble or degrade oneself.

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Psychology Dictionary Terms