Psychology Dictionary
Dictionary of Psychology Terms
Dictionary of psychology

Psychology Terms defined from A to Z

Psychology selected terms: 63 page 1 of 3

1. T groups In 1947, the Office of Naval Research and the National Education Association created the National Training Laboratories Institute in Bethel, Maine. It pioneered the use of T-groups More… 0.8 KB
2. T test Is any statistical hypothesis test in which the test statistic has a Student's t distribution if the null hypothesis is true. It is applied when the population is assumed to be normally More… 0.4 KB
3. Taboo is a strong social prohibition (or ban) against words, objects, actions, or discussions that are considered undesirable or offensive by a group, culture, society, or community. Breaking a More… 2.0 KB
4. Tabula rasa A term formulated by John Locke meaning literally "blank slate." Used in opposition to the notion of some philosophers who maintained that man is born with certain ideas.
5. Tachistoscope An instrument for exposing material for very brief durations of time. the general principle of operation is similar to that of a camera shutter.
6. Tact A discriminative stimulus which sets the occasion for the emission of a response which is not under specified reinforcement control. For example, if a rat receives food for pressing bar in More… 0.5 KB
7. Tail assumption in psychophysics, the assumption that the class intervals beyond the stimulus value last presented at each end of a series of measurements involved in determining the absolute threshold More… 0.2 KB
8. Taoism Taoism , from Chinese Daojiao 道教 (pronounced dào (help·info) jiào (help·info)), it refers to a variety of related philosophical and religious traditions and concepts. These traditions have More… 1.2 KB
9. Tardiness Lateness in arriving at a job. Chronic tardiness is when such lateness happends frequently. Tardiness remains a frequently studied dependent variable in industrial research, and a subtle More… 0.4 KB
10. Target fixation is a process by which the brain is focused so intently on an observed object that awareness of other obstacles or hazards can diminish. Also, in an avoidance scenario, the observer can More… 1.3 KB
11. Technophobia is the fear or dislike of advanced technology or complex devices, especially computers. The term is generally used in the sense of an irrational fear, but others contend fears are justified. More… 1.2 KB
12. Telepathy It describes the purported transfer of information on thoughts or feelings between individuals by means other than the five classical senses. The term was coined in 1882 by the classical More… 1.0 KB
13. Telephone counseling Telephone counseling refers to any type of psychological service performed over the telephone. Telephone counseling ranges from individual, couple or group psychotherapy with a professional More… 5.1 KB
14. Temperament Temperament is the innate aspect of an individual's personality, such as introversion or extroversion. Temperament is defined as that part of the personality which is genetically More… 0.9 KB
15. Temporal lobes Are parts of the cerebrum that are involved in speech, memory, and hearing. They lie at the sides of the brain, beneath the lateral or Sylvian fissure. Seen in profile, the human brain looks More… 2.1 KB
16. Temporal theory The temporal theory of hearing states that our perception of sound depends on the temporal patterns with which neurons respond to sound in the cochlea. Therefore, the pitch of a pure tone More… 0.7 KB
17. Tender minded in a formulation by James William, one of the two categories into which people can be placed, the other being the though-minded, The tender minded are idealistic, optimistic, and religious, More… 0.5 KB
18. Tension myositis syndrome (TMS) is a name given by Dr. John E. Sarno to a condition he describes as characterized by psychosomatic musculoskeletal and nerve symptoms, most notably back pain. Sarno, a Professor of More… 1.7 KB
19. Termination The act of ending or concluding. In psychotherapy, termination refers to the mutual agreement between patient and therapist to bring therapy to an end. The idea of termination often occurs More… 0.6 KB
20. Ternus illusion is an illusion of human visual perception involving apparent motion. In one form of the illusion, two dots (let's call them L for left and C for centre) are shown side by side as the More… 0.6 KB
21. Test Operate Test Exit Abbr. T.O.T.E. or TOTE, is an iterative problem solving strategy based on feedback loops. It was described by George A. Miller, Eugene Galanter, and Karl H. Pribram in their 1960 book, Plans More… 1.5 KB
22. Test retest Test-retest is a statistical method used to examine how reliable a test is: A test is performed twice, e.g., the same test is given to a group of subjects at two different times. Each More… 0.3 KB
23. Testicle (from Latin testiculus , diminutive of testis, meaning "witness" [of virility], plural testes) is the male generative gland in animals. This article will concentrate on mammalian More… 1.0 KB
24. Testosterone Testosterone is a steroid hormone from the androgen group. In mammals, testosterone is primarily secreted in the testes of males and the ovaries of females, although small amounts are also More… 0.9 KB
25. Tetrahydrocannabinol also known as THC, Δ9-THC, Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol), Δ1-tetrahydrocannabinol (using an older chemical nomenclature), or dronabinol, is the main psychoactive More… 1.1 KB

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Psychology Dictionary Terms