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John Riccitiello

John Riccitiello's Recent Blog Entries

  • Another chance to read one of the year's best Edge Keynotes - EA's CEO talks about the publisher's new direction...

    It’s no secret that, when the current generation arrived, EA went through a tough transition. But here at E3 I think we’ve shown how we’ve emerged from that challenge, stronger than ever.

    Back in the 1990s, we nailed the launch of PlayStation 1. A few years later, we came through the next generation even stronger. We made a lot of the right decisions and we leveraged the things that make this company great, like our publishing strength, the quality of our IP and a focus on R&D.

    December 24, 2008

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Messages to John Riccitiello

ducky's picture
from ducky


I've been seeing an increasing amount of statements and blogs on the web - about you confirming that the next episode of knight of the old republic (kotor 3) would in fact be a MMO -

Yet I can not find any official statements anywhere from yourself - I thought I would go and look on your blog - but I can't find anything there either -

Would you be able to either confirm or deny those claims? as they are comming from unconfirmed sources - I tend not to believe them - and I'd like your word on this first before making my own articles.

If at all possible, assuming this is true - When could we expect an alpha and close beta, and how would our testers apply for testing accounts?

Best regards,