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themule's Comments

  • psp go b_7.jpg

    Japanese gamers are from Mars...

  • themule's picture

    Heh, yeah he says it's a Doom rip-offs as a bad thing but no Doom in his list!

  • TOP.jpg

    most of the game content is locked ? have you ever played a videogame before? Do you also complain you don't have the best weapons and combo techs after playing a hack n' slash game for a couple of hours? Do you also complain you don't have the ultimate magic spells and swords in an RPG after 10 hours of play? just WTF? You want to start racing and have everything available to you? ********Unlocking Special Events is not that hard or time-consuming, you can unlock tons of stuff by level 8 which you get to in a breeze********** Gran Turismo is just different. The problem with all these (expletive) reviewing the game is that they want GT to be what it isn't. There's an arcade mode, I suggest you try it if you want to run some beast cars from the moment you start the game, you can also go online and play with cars shared from friends' garage. This is Final Fantasy XIII all over again, only this time Gran Turismo has always been this way and we love it for that, Final Fantasy XIII was a serious deviation from the traditional formula, and what did Edge have to say about that? 5/10. LOL. Damned if you do, DAMNED if you don't.

  • TOP.jpg

    NASCAR is not the entirety of "special events", now is it? and you can't see all the special events have to offer unless you attain at least level 30. I doubt Edge or any other reviewer saw past level 10 or 12 (being generous) which basically amounts for like 15% of the game....

  • TOP.jpg

    It was only my natural reaction to all this bullshit coming from people who EVIDENTLY didn't play the game THROUGH. I bet they just copied what other sites/magazines wrote.

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He'll be back in a few weeks or even a couple of months- Last time he waited 12 months.