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Edinburgh Fringe 2003 (376)

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Twelve Angry Men
Show type: Edinburgh Fringe 2003
Starring Comics:
Andy Smart
Bill Bailey
Dave Johns
Ian Coppinger
Jeff Green
Owen O'Neill
Phil Nichol
Steve Furst

Twelve Angry Men


There are not many places where you could call together a cast of this calibre to perform Reginald Rose's multi-award winning classic 12 Angry Men, and Edinburgh in August is one of them.


Original Review:

Show Rating:Twelve Angry Men rated 5/5

It was something of a gamble casting only comedians in the intense jury-room drama 12 Angry Men. But the verdict is in, and it's a triumph.

Sidney Lumet's 1957 Movie version, starring Henry Fonda is a cinematic masterpiece of claustrophobic tension and passionate acting, but whether audiences would accept comics in these most dramatic of roles was always a risk. And whether the comedians themselves were up to it, quite another.

The taught drama is played out on designer Katy Tuxford's stylised grey set (complete with Cluedo-style floorplan), which is more than apt. Above all, this is a play about shades of grey. Not the black and white of guilt and innocence, but the probabilities of 'reasonable doubt'.

The characters, too, are of varying moral shades. From the doubter Juror 8, initially the only man convinced there are question marks over evidence that would send the defendant to his death, to the stubborn, vengeful Juror 3, convinced to the end that justice has found its man.

In the sweltering, claustrophobic jury room, tempers run high as the men passionately decide a young man's fate - though for some the deadline of an impending ball game seems a more pressing concern.

As the discussion heats up, questions of pride and prejudice emerge; each juror's failings exposed as their own character colours their view of the defendant and the apparently incontrovertible evidence.

It's a specifically American piece - no reserved Brit would kick up the fuss these jurors do - which requires the comics to adopt unfamiliar accents, with varying degrees of success. But it's testament to the power of the piece that any shortcomings in this department are soon forgotten.

Owen O'Neill has the plum role of the idealistic everyman who persuades his colleagues to reconsider every scrap of evidence they have seen. He surely landed the part because this production was his idea, yet he proves himself a convincing actor.

Both Stephen Frost (as juror 3) and Phil Nichol (10) have the sort of powerful roles people kill for, full of highly-charged rhetoric and the chance to really let fly. Both do so brilliantly, Nichol's explosive, racist outburst transfixes the audience, while Frost excels in pig-headed passion.

But the lower-key roles are perfectly filled, too. Bill Bailey is literally unrecognisable as the coolly logical fourth juror, Ian Coppinger excels as the nerdy pipsqueak who gets goaded a bit too fat and Steve Furst provides the perfect voice of sanity as the foreman.

Jeff Green is the weakest link, his mild manners at odds with his character's tough street upbringing, and his accent more The Wirral than The Bronx, but his role is one of the smallest.

Andy Smart, Dave Johns, David Calvitto, Russell Hunter and Gavin Robertson all deserve mention, not just for the sake of completeness, but because this is a true ensemble piece that relies on each player as much as the next. Director Guy Masterson, a Fringe favourite, has produced a fantastic performance from each of them.

This stage version has perhaps more laughs than the film. Not that any of the stand-ups deliberately seek them, but perhaps they simply have an intrinsic ear for finding comedy in anything. Or perhaps the audience are more primed for laughing, given the cast they have come to see.

But, if anything, this enhances the script, rather than detracting from it, providing moments of relief in an otherwise relentless piece.

This is the sort of project that could only have its genesis in Edinburgh, yet it's still a surprise it has worked out so brilliantly. Disregard any misgivings you may have and go see... it's a hit, beyond any reasonable doubt.


This is the worst play I have ever fuckin seen. It was sooo broing I almost slept in it if anyone thinks it is good then they are really kiding themselves.

Sanjo, March 2004

Awesome. You won't be able to get a ticket, but go see when it comes to London. Never seen a better ensemble piece. Great play, stunning acting, a really moving two hours.

Nick, August 2003

I thought the production was amazing. The set, the acting, the direction all amazing. I've booked to go again already. If this doesn't win any awards during the fringe there will be an outcry. It had a standing ovation from everyone in the theatre and it was well deserved.

Nicola Connor, August 2003

Just go and see it and you'll love yourself for the rest of your life. 10 out of 10. Pure enjoyment.

Mike Belgrave, August 2003

Have your say:
These comics also appear in:
Edward Albee's The Zoo Story
Owen O'Neill: Chasing My Tale
Phil Nichol: Nearly Gay
Steve Furst: Behind The Net Curtains
The Odd Couple
Bill Bailey: Bewilderness
Bill Bailey: Dandelion Mind
Bill Bailey: Tinselworm
Bill Bailey: Steampunk
Jeff Green: Personal
Owen O'Neill Is A ***t And So Is Seamus Heaney
Phil Nichol: The Naked Racist
Talk Radio
The Early Edition
True West
Jeff Green: From A-Z
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
sml Med LRG
The Dumb Waiter (2004 Fringe)
Bill Bailey: Part Troll
Owen O'Neill: Stanza-Up Comedy
Phil Nichol
Stephen Frost\'s Impro All Stars
Steve Furst on Canvas 2003
Jeff Green
My Son The Footballer
Phil Nichol: Things I Like, I Lick Perrier nominee
Steve Furst: Celebrity Squares
The Stonewall Gala
It Was Henry Fonda's Fault
Phil Nichol
Bill Bailey
Jeff Green
A Seriously Funny Attempt To Get The SFO in The Dock
BBC London Children in Need benefit
Bill Bailey’s Remarkable Guide To The Orchestra
Brighton Comedy Festival 2010 opening gala
Carlsberg Comedy Carnival 2009
Comedy Store's 30th Anniversary Charity Gala
Latitude 2008
Lenny Beige Is Alive And Well
Lenny Beige: Once In A Lifetime - A Tribute To Anthony Newley
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, understudy show
Pinter's People
Killer Joe
Phil Nichol: Hiro Worship
Bill Bailey: Tinselworm [Fringe 2008]
Jeff Green: Life Ache
Phil Nichol [2008]
Comedy Showdown
O'Comic Gala
Gagarin Way
Phil Nichol: A Deadpan Poet Sings Quiet Songs Quietly
School For Scandal
Stand Up For Freedom [2009]
Old Rope In The Balloon
Phil Nichol: Welcome To Crazytown
Rupert Pupkin Collective
Jeff Green: Crazy From The Heat