
photo: Brian Solis

I’ve built an international reputation based on fooling around with social tools, and investigating their impact on media, business, and society. I work as an analyst, advisor, futurist, and researcher, and I am principally known these days for my writing at this blog, formerly known as /Message, now simply Stowe Boyd.

My work falls into three general parts: consulting (principally with start-ups, but I am open minded), media (public speaking, events, and writing), and non-profit work.

I’m like the gypsy fortune teller at the fair: everyone’s amused, but most don’t really believe the tarot reading. However, if someone were to return to my stall for ten years, they might think differently. As a result, my time is mostly spent with people building social tools, and usually with people who have been reading my writing for years, and most don’t have the patience for it.

I also have a blog about things not technical, called Underpaid Genius.