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Argent Dawn

ome say that it is always darkest just before the dawn. Whenever darkness falls, the light of hope will drive away the shadows; wherever the forces of evil work in secret, the brave men and women of the Argent Dawn will be there to thwart their dark designs. The Argent Dawn is an organization that makes no distinction between Alliance or Horde, but instead tries to unite the people of Azeroth in the fight against evil. Though the agents of the Argent Dawn are always wary of the sinister and the wicked in all their various disguises, they have recently focused their efforts on a region of Azeroth where evil has run unchecked for a long time: the Plaguelands of Lordaeron. Detachments of the Argent Dawn are guarding the entrances to the Plaguelands at the Bulwark between the Tirisfal Glades and the Western Plaguelands, and at Chillwind Point, a narrow pass leading south from the Western Plaguelands to the Alterac Mountains. They have also gained a foothold deep in the Eastern Plaguelands at the Light's Hope Chapel, east of Corin's Crossing.

The Argent Dawn is always looking for more fighters to join their cause, and the numbers of those wearing the Argent Dawn Commission, the organization's insignia, are growing each day. Adventurers seeking to aid the Argent Dawn by rooting out the Scourge's corruption in the Plaguelands and taking on the Lich King's powerful servants in the Scholomance and Stratholme will be well rewarded; the organization has many powerful enchanters among their ranks who craft special enhancements that provide the wearer with added protection against all forms of magic attacks. The Argent Dawn also offers those who have proven their dedication to their cause insight into their craftsmen's designs, enabling these adventurers to craft the armors the Argent Dawn created in their ongoing campaign against evil.

Vendor Rewards

isted below are items that can be purchased from a Argent Dawn vendor. As your reputation increases with the Argent Dawn, more items become available for you to purchase.
Enriched Manna Biscuit
Recipe: Transmute Air to Fire
1 50
Plans: Girdle of the Dawn
2 20
Pattern: Dawn Treaders
2 20
Pattern: Argent Boots
2 20
Formula: Powerful Anti-Venom
Formula: Enchant Bracer - Mana Regeneration
Plans: Gloves of the Dawn
Pattern: Golden Mantle of the Dawn
Pattern: Argent Shoulders
Blessed Sunfruit
Blessed Sunfruit Juice
Formula: Enchant Bracer - Healing
Arcane Mantle of the Dawn
Flame Mantle of the Dawn
Frost Mantle of the Dawn
Nature Mantle of the Dawn
Shadow Mantle of the Dawn
Chromatic Mantle of the Dawn

Armaments of the Dawn

isted below are quests which are available from Quartermaster Miranda Breechlock at Light's Hope Chapel. Adventurers collect Insignias of the Dawn and Insignias of the Crusade by completing other various quests found at Light's Hope Chapel and redeem those insignias for the rewards listed below. Adventurers with higher reputation with the Argent Dawn need fewer tokens to redeem the same rewards. The quests listed below can be repeated for a different reward.   

Insignias of the Dawn and the Crusade

Greetings, friend. Have you insignias of the Dawn or the Crusade that you would like to redeem for items of power?

But before you redeem your insignias, you may want to gain better reputation because those with greater reputation in the eyes of the Argent Dawn receive the greatest discounts.

Select a Quest:

Superior Armaments of the Dawn:

Return to Quartermaster Miranda Breechlock at Light's Hope Chapel
when you have the following:

   Insignias of the Dawn: 0/30
   Insignias of the Crusade: 0/30
   Argent Dawn Reputation:


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Band of Piety
Band of Resolution
Verimonde's Last Resort
Supply Bag
Leggings of the Plague Hunter
Sanctified Leather Helm

Craftsman Recipes

isted below are plans which can be learned from Master Craftsman Omarion, a captive in Naxxramas. Omarion teaches these plans to those who find him in Naxxramas and have revered or exalted status with the Argent Dawn.

Master Craftsman

You've found me in this wretched dungeon! Alas, it is too late for me. I pass from this world soon, but... I know so much. So much is in this head of mine. So much that could help this world fend off the beasts of this citadel of depravity.

My life may soon end, but the knowledge I hold must be shared with the world. It is, after all, why I am here now. Perhaps you would take the knowledge I hold and use it to save the world.

Are you a master of a trade?

I am a master

Master Blacksmith:

A blacksmith, eh? Very well, What would you like to learn about, blacksmith?

Icebane Bracers
Icebane Gauntlets
Icebane Breastplate


Working your way up in Argent Dawn reputation will unlock recipes, rewards, and it will also be very important to enter Naxxramas.

Argent Dawn Commission
After reaching level 50, go pick up an Argent Dawn Commission. This is a trinket that allows you to loot Scourge stones from Undead monsters in Western and Eastern Plaguelands, Scholomance, and Stratholme. You can also gain Scourge stones from the Scourge Invasion while that event is active. Your trinket must be equipped in order to see and loot Scourge stones. If another player doesn't have their trinket on, you can take any Scourge stones that would have dropped for them while you're in the same group as that player.

Alliance players can get their Argent Dawn Commission from Chillwind Camp in Western Plaguelands. Horde players can pick theirs up at Bulwark in Tirisfal Glades.

You can also, through a series of quests, get a Seal of the Dawn or Rune of the Dawn that replaces the Argent Dawn commission and also gives additional benefits to killing undead.

Scourge stones
Scourge stones can be turned in via repeatable quests for reputation. They cannot be traded.

Scourge Stones come in three versions:

  • Minion: Requires 20 for turn-in, found on monsters about level 50 and up
  • Invader: Requires 10 for turn-in, found on level 53 monsters and up
  • Corruptor: Requires 1 for turn-in, usually found on bosses
Scourge stones stack in piles of 250. Once the Scourge stones are turned in, you receive an Argent Dawn Valor Token that can be activated to gain 25 reputation. Argent Dawn Valor Tokens stack up to 500. It's recommended to hold on to your Scourge stones until you're Honored with the Argent Dawn. At that point, you can no longer gain reputation by slaying most undead monsters.

Gaining Reputation
You can gain reputation by killing monsters, and completing quests.

Kill Monsters

  • You can kill regular undead monsters in Western and Eastern Plaguelands until the end of Honored reputation. You can also kill Wizards of the Cult of the Damned in Eastern Plaguelands.
  • Next, you can kill the elite undead in Stratholme and Scholomance until the end of Honored reputation. These can also drop Scourge stones.
  • After that point, you only gain reputation for slaying the bosses in those two instances. You gain additional reputation if you kill Baron Rivendare in Stratholme as part of the 45 minute Baron Run.
  • Again, the Scourge Invasion is a great way to earn reputation via monster kills and Invader's Scourgestones. Regular scourge troops give 5 reputation per kill until Revered and there is a LOT of them. Don't miss out on this event.
Complete all of the quests you can at Chillwind Camp, Light's Hope Chapel, and any other quests you can find for Scholomance, Stratholme, Western and Eastern Plaguelands. Some recommend waiting until Honored reputation before completing the quests when you can't gain reputation from most undead monsters.

There are some repeatable quests you can do to continue to gain reputation.

  • Healthy Dragon Scales drop in Scholomance which can be turned in one at a time for 50 reputation. You can take one scale at a time per quest. The drop rate of this scale is somewhat low.
  • You can also continue to turn in Scourge stones for reputation until Exalted.
  • There are four Cauldron quests in Western Plaguelands that can be repeated to gain 15-25 reputation
  • Light's Hope Chapel has several repeatable quests to gather a stack of 30 items. These items can be traded or bought on the auction house. When you first complete the quest you gain 200 reputation. If you complete them again, you only gain 10 reputation, making it less than ideal for long term gains.
  • Craftsman's Writs - If you turn in an Argent Dawn Valor Token you can get a Craftsman's Writ from Commander Metz. These require you to gather materials or items. You can purchase those items from the auction house, but that can be very costly. You will gain 75 reputation per turn-in.

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