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April 1999

Back to the BAC

After a year-long $4.3 million "facelift," the Center for British Art reopened its doors to the public with a smashing exhibit of work by Henry Moore, Lucian Freud, and Francis Bacon. The "new" BAC features a restored roof, a refurbished interior, and a reconfigured collection.


A Very Special Saloon

As the "place where Louis dwells" celebrates its 150th anniversary—a bit early, but who's counting?—its members and governors strive to "keep Mory's Mory's" in a fast-changing world.


Some Freshman Perspectives

Pollsters, pundits, and alumni loyalists may rank Yale College No. 1, but how do the "customers" feel these days? In search of clues, we asked four members of the newest class, 2002, how it's going after six months on the campus. The students come from very different backgrounds, and all are exploring widely varied and highly demanding programs, both academically and extra-curricularly. They seem to like what they find.


A new senior Corporation fellow; applications hit an all-time high; building a new boathouse; when dinosaurs had feathers; a preservation dispute goes to court; the Teachers Institute sponsors four new siblings; a list of Elis in office; Jonathan Edwards treads the boards; childless couples covet Ivy eggs.


Before He Came to Dinner

When Monty Woolley was forced out of his job at Yale, students and alumni rose up in protest. But it may have been the best thing that ever happened to him. 

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