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Shaun Paczkowski


Hilarity Bites in Darlington

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Hilarity Bites in Darlington

Started gigging in December 2007


Shaun Paczkowski at the Beat The Frog World Series Final
Live Review
Manchester Frog And Bucket

Shaun Paczkowski at the Beat The Frog World Series Final

Shaun Paczkowski offers an engaging presence but no distinctive outlook. After a bit of blether about being a motorcyclist he produces a sanitary towel – rarely a good sign in comedy – before moving onto a routine about buying condoms and other sexual embarrassments.

The segments often end with an unexpected punchline, suggesting the man knows how to write a joke, but the premises are the stuff of so many previous comics’ routines that it’s hard to get too interested in what he’s saying.

Date of live review: Tuesday 20th Oct, '09
Review by Steve Bennett

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