Akhmetov Rinat

Akhmetov Rinat

Was born on September 21st 1966 in Donetsk.

Graduated from the Donetsk State University.

1995 – founded Donetsk City Bank.

The president of the Shakhtar football club.

The owner of the 90 % shares of the close corporation System Capital Management.

May 2006- elected the member of parliament (the Party of Regions)

Married, has two sons.

Rinat Ahmetov’s influence on the country’s life can be measured with the help of a simple calculator. According to the investment company Dragon Capital the owner of the System Capital Management was called the richest man in Europe by Korrespondent magazine in June 2008. It happened because his capital doubled in a year having reached an all-time high 31 billion dollars.

But this is not the economic assets that make Ahmetov one of the most notable persons of Ukraine. In the July 2008 interview to Korrespondent National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine secretary Raisa Bogaturiova said that Ahmetov remains one of the most influential people in the Party of Regions that determine their political stability.

The whole industrial East of the country stands behind him, the biggest mining and steel complexes. His assets are in more than 60 Ukrainian and foreign companies.

The current financial crisis affected Ahmetov as well. According to Dragon Capital the leader among Ukrainian oligarchs whose fortune this spring totaled in 31,1 billion dollars also topped the list of those who lost the most. The assets of the Donetsk businessman from the beginning of the year became almost half cheaper.

For those who sold unnecessary ballast there are more chances to stay afloat. Ahmetov’s companies became 13,6 billion dollars cheaper if compare with the beginning of this year. One of the main assets Azovstal lost 30% of its value in 7 days. During all the crisis period the company became 87%.