Rise of Nintendo

While most Americans thought video games were a fad, Nintendo was pushing their way to the top of the gaming world. Learn how Nintendo created their gaming monopoly and revisit the game systems of the past.


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Good one, sure brings back fond memories of playing games endlessly on the Nintendo as a kid...And now on the Wii. Keep it coming Nintendo.

the only Nintendo i have bought is the Wii could you do something about the rivalry between x box and play station because I really want to know the differences

How I got into this was basically by watching 80s commercials on X-Entertainment.com and I was like. "What ever happened to some of these old toy companies? ... And then I went to Vuze, and that's where you guys came in, you answered alot of unexplained questions of my childhood. ... Thanks! ... I love history, both websites combined kinda feels like archiology, especially when it involves things that happened while I was young and naive.

I hope this show sticks around, because it's clear no one knows better about a good thing dying young, than these guys. ... Well I'm sure somebody does, but you get the idea.

I think this is the only vid in which,at the end,the player(in this case playing Mario)wins lol

Shandi is cute, although she'd be cuter with longer hair.

Interesting short but I'm still trying to understand Shandi's role in the cast. She didn't contribute anything beyond superfluous exposition nor did she seem too knowledgeable about Nintendo history. Might be best to keep the talking heads relevant. Just my initial impressions.

Well, they got rid of her, so that says something.

she was to busy

Loving theese videos of your's!
keep them coming!

When are you gonna make more videos

i love these videos.

ps. bring shandi back.

they're very entertaining to learn about video game history. Please don't stop making these videos.

about the "rise of nintendo" video.. I have a question.

You said that Worlds of Wonder and Nintendo made a deal that if a store buys teddy ruxpins they'll need to buy 500 NES' too. You also said that because of this, A percentage of Nintendo's NES success would go to Worlds of Wonder.

Now since the NES sold greatly, Worlds of Wonder should of have had a lot of money as well for every NES sold correct? If so, how come Worlds of Wonder filed for bankrupt when the NES was selling so well and they had a percentage of the sales?

Once Nintendo really took off in 1987, they ditched Worlds of Wonder and went solo. And Worlds of Wonder was really counting on Teddy Ruxpin being a big hit in 1987, but the public had moved on, and Worlds of Wonder lost a ton of money with a warehouse of unsold Teddy Ruxpins. And Worlds of Wonder lost a lot of money when the stock market crashed in 1987. Yeah, 1987 was a bad year for them.

Tis a nice story!

Also makes you think "What if Atari had gone ahead with the Nintendo Deal?" Would we be playing the Atari Entertainment System, would Atari still be around in their original guise today, or even more, would Atari have just sat on the rights and instead concentrated on the 7800 and thus muscled out a possible competetor.

But it all turned out well in the end, until Nintendo got in shit with the US government for having a bully like monopoly on the industry.

I am 100% sure that Atari would've just buried the NES deep in the closet, and then pushed the Atati 7800. It came out later that that was their plan all along. Thank God we avoided that. We'd all be playing Pole Position VIII right now.

I think you'd be right, Atari had a knack of producing new consoles and then not release them for years.

BTW odd question, Did Mattel make a version of the NES in the US? They did over here, you could buy a "Mattel Version" and a "NES version" Nintendo. I had a Mattel one, which was not as good in the long run, the NES version could play games from any region. Mattel one could only play games from the UK and Canada bizarrely.

No Mattel NES here, but Sears made their own version of the Atari 2600 that sold in their stores. Same exact console- different packaging and name on the front. It caused a lot of consumer confusion. But there were no differences between two two other than branding.

I remember that, we had quite a few clones of the Intellevision over here, the Granstand being the most famous. Imagine a store doing that nowadays though? Nice Wal-Mart PS3 with a side of Lawsuit!

Oh, I was thinking about the "what if.." scenario and one of the reasons the 7800 bombed (bar the rivalry with Nintendo) was that people no longer trusted the brand, they'd been burnt twice before. That and they were just the exact same games as you said.

So What I think would have happened was that Sega would have won the 8-Bit war, as no Nintendo, no licensing problem.
Nintendo would have come back with the SNES in 1991, while they wouldn't have been as popular, they'd have built their reputation by now, so we'd probably be where we are today still. Sega would still hae screwed themselves over by releasing too many consoles at one time.

If it took MS 5 years to get to this position in the Console war today, Nintendo could easily have done it in 16.

Yeah, it's funny the things people got away with in gaming's early days- stuff that would get you sued and shut down instantly today. I'm not sure about how Nintendo would've fared with the NES buried by the 7800. MS had soooo much money to launch and buy up game publishers that Nintendo never did. Nintendo had to do it from the ground up by cornering the whole American market early. And a big part of Nintendo's rise was that its 3rd party games were so good. And its 3rd party pames were only so good because game companies had no other options. So, I dunno. Without being able to corner the whole US market early, Nintnedo might never have had the money or clout to compete against multi-billion dollar companies like Sony and MS. Even then, they got pushed to 3rd place by the Xbox and Playstation2. But a part of me thinks that somehow Nintendo would've pulled it off. They had some of the best 1st party titles of all time, and good software always finds a way. I guess like you said- it would've just taken longer and been a bit rockier.

What the hell? "The rise of Nintendo" video completely Contradicted the "Colecovision" video. In the Colecovision video, it said Nintendo gave Donkey Kong to Coleco; but in the Rise of Nintendo video it said that Coleco took it without asking. Which one was it?

Great question. Nintendo sold rights to Coleco for the Colecovision console. They did NOT also sell them the rights to their computer, the Coleco Adam. Coleco just made it for the Adam computer without asking, probably assuming it was cool since they had made it for the Colecovision before. But Nintendo was furious. Two different Coleco machines. Two different sets of rights they needed to buy. Doh!


Man, you guys nailed it! Very well done and entertaining. Waiting for the next one...

Sir, You have made this man very excited, haha i am going to wait eagerly to see how it all comes out with my fingers crossed. The first 2 were done extremely well and with great professionalism. When I read that you were going to do the sega vs nintendo episode i got very excited. and believe me you are right about the new comers we do have to get them into a set mind where they can be like us and enjoy the classics as well as the future of gaming. If there was any way i could contribute to this you just ask. I am extremely knowledgeable with this topic and as i can see so are you and your cast. Might I add i'm a fan of shandi. I am very impressed were are on the same basis I really look forward to the rest of your work mr black. You have a new fan

You make it sound as though gaming is a serious profession. It's not. Gaming is simply playing video games, so if you play video games, you're a gamer. The definition of gaming isn't limited to being a fan of and playing hardcore games like Mario and Final Fantasy.


This is jeremiah black, the director of the Play Value. Thanks for watching the show and for the feedback. Believe it or not, I agree with a lot of what you say, but you have to realize that the show is only 8 minutes long. So, we have to be specfic. The company history of Nintendo is another episode altogether, as is an episode about all the consoles before nintendo. With only 8 minutes you have to pick one point in history and do it as best you can. The episode you're talking about (and which I'd love to have made) is an entire 1/2 hour special, if it's done right. With only 8 minutes, I must pare down and focus in on simply nintendo's rise from japan to america. Be patient! There's dozens of episodes coming which will talk about all the cool stuff we love. You've only seen the 1st two episodes, and there a LOT more coming. For example, I just filmed the sega vs nintendo episode you were talking about, and, yes, we mentioned the olympics game coming out on the wii with mario and sonic! So, be patient, budddy. We're only two episodes into a show that's going to go for a while. But, hey, don't foget about the newcomers, though. I always enjoys making newcomers into gamers like us, and that's part of what this show is about.

I really Enjoied watching both episodes but (and here's a big but) these are things that gaming fans should already know, I'm speaking of both the rise of Nintendo and the death of the arcade. Nintendo is a household name ask anyone about nintendo and they'll jump to "oh it's a video gaming company" but you guys didn't even mention the fact they were a card company before hand or even that they weren't really the first home console system which jumps over to the death of the arcade. All I have to say is the MSX from a now super tyrant computer company: Microsoft. If I was on this show or even a writer I'd bust out the Least known facts like the lack there of, of respect for current games from older gamers which I would call "Game Heritage: From Mario To Final Fantasy 7" which really carries the aspect of why most gamers from the past long forgotten only really respect games like chrono trigger or any classic previous and shun the new titles. Or how about "Console Vs Console" returning to the good old days when sega duked it out with nintendo and found a betrayal in a friend only known as Sony, Leaping from the idea that we'd wanna see things like Mario Vs Sonic, the new gamers don't appreciate this considering Mario is finally facing off against his long time rival Sonic in the olympic games for the Wii. Anyways I enjoied it none the less, keep on your toes and try to cover things as gamers for gamers not for gamers to the new comers, nobody cares about the new comers.

I agree with eueneleyritz. It is nice to watch a show that isn't made with the one size fits all mentalilty. Mitziboyd, you seemed to have missed the whole point of this site.

I much rather watch a show that covers a specific topic intelligently and well, rather than a show that tries to "expand their audience". There's already no shortage of those. Seems like most people here agree with me (see previous comments). I think the internet is more about people getting content dedicated exactly to what they want. You're trying to impose a broadcast television mentality in which shows have to appeal to the maximum amount of people (and typically get dumbed down in the process). So yes, I guess it's not a "stupid" comment. Just an extremely typical one I 'd expect to hear from a some tv producer obsessing over demographics. That's why I watch my shows online now. And so does eveyone else I know. Good bye TV! It was nice knowing you! Have fun with Mitiziboyd and my grandparents!

It's not a "stupid" commentary if you want to continue to broaden your audience. I'm not a food geek or a health geek, but I continue to watch the other shows here because they're entertaining. If they want to only cater their shows to a video niche, then do so. But if they want to expand their audience to non-video geeks, then make it more interesting.

I liked this show. The production value seems a lot higher than most video game shows I've seen online. Maybe because it's more of a historical documentary type show than a "what's new this week" show which is cool.

Oh yeah, the last comment is pretty stupid. It's a show about video games. What did you expect? I don't like NASCAR personally, but I'd be a moron if I complained that a NASCAR show is "boring if you don't like car racing".

Good show! Keep em coming.

This show is boring if you're not a video geek. Is that Shandi from ANTM? Waddup!!!

My comments are more relevant if I put them in context, so here goes. I'm not a huge video game fan. Never have been. So that's why my comments are even more positive. I really liked these videos for a number of reasons. 1. Very interesting on-screen personalities. Extremely natural and compelling, and all come across as being very factual. 2. Great production values, backgrounds, etc. 3. Well defined outline of information presented. 4. Very well paced. Reminded me a bit of VH-1's "I Love the 80's". 5. Bottom line, very interesting content. The folks associated with these clips should be very proud of what they've done here. This is one series where I'd look forward to see the next episode.

This is like Ken Burns' "the rise of videomatronic entertainment: An American Story".

I <3 nintendo they're awesome and these guys are awesome!

Cool show. The video game graphics are awesome!