Creator: Chritina Plaka
Publisher: TokyoPop
Age Rating: Teen
Genres: Drama, Horror
RRP: $9.99
Yonen Buzz v1
Reviewed by Rhia Docherty

Four young musicians stand at a new threshold of their musical career. With Plastic Chew, the band they created in high school, set on a path to rock 'n' roll stardom, will the demands of jobs, schoolwork, and relationships get in the way? Can they be true to their artistic vision without becoming sellouts? No matter what happens, this band keeps on rockin'.determined to not let anything derail their rock odyssey!

The Story:
Plastic Chew, an underground band comprising of four young musicians, have a chance at the big time with a record company audition. However, things are never that simple. With school, jobs, relationships and all those other little bumps along the road of life - will they be able to make it?

The manga mainly focuses on the band however as life is complex, there are also side storylines delving into the characters lives outside the band as well as into their inner thoughts. The story tends to jump from story to story often throwing you straight in which can leave you a little lost and confused.

The Characters:
The four main characters are the members of Plastic Chew. Lead singer and guitarist, Sayuri, is a busy girl trying to balance school, a job and the band whilst trying to control her feelings for the bands angst driven guitarist Jun. She is probably the most developed character with regular insight into her thoughts and feelings. Jun comes across as the typical band member to whom nothing but the band matters which in turn leads to the difficult relationship between him and Sayuri. As for the other members, Miyake is a talented drummer and Atsoshi plays bass. Little else can be said for them.

There are also a few additional characters used to develop the characters lives outside the band however most of them end of making the story more complicated than it needs to be.

The Art:
I have to say the cover art did catch my eye and I think it’s fantastic. However, inside the artwork becomes confusing. There is too much happening in most of the panel and it loses out on making the impact it could have as a result of this. In other places the style completely changes leading the reader to think they have missed out an something and leads to more confusion. In this case less could have been so much more.

The Verdict:
Although a great concept, that is all this is. In this case it just doesn't work. The story has gone for complexity and although probably intended to keep the reader intrigued, this actually creates confusion and results in a loss of interest. A very disappointing reality.

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6 October 2009
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