Creator: Rivkah
Publisher: TokyoPop
Age Rating: All Ages
Genres: Comedy, Drama
RRP: $9.99
Steady Beat v1
Reviewed by Jason Brice

Mustang 350's, girls' soccer, secret love letters, the perfect formula for a seething brew of explosive drama!

When high schooler Leah Winters discovers a love letter addressed to her sister from another girl, she's on the hunt with her best friend, June, to discover this paramour's secret identity.

However, things get a little distracting when she runs into Elijah Peterson, a wealthy young man from a neighboring private school. There's more to Elijah than meets the eye, and the closer Leah gets to him, the more she learns not to judge simply upon first impressions.

Having practically forgotten about the issue of her sister's sexuality, Leah is snatched back into reality when she catches her sister sneaking out of her bedroom window! Who is Sarai going out nearly every night to meet?

Review coming soon!

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29 September 2009
St. Dragon Girl v4

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