About Rachel Balducci

Rachel Balducci Rachel Balducci is married to Paul and they are the parents of five lively boys and one precious baby girl. She is the author of How Do You Tuck In A Superhero?, and is a newspaper columnist for the Diocese of Savannah, Georgia. For the past four years, she has maintained her personal blog at Testosterhome.net where she blogs her life with boys, including (but not limited to) swords, army guys, Chuck Norris, and basketball.
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Come Say Hi!

If you live near Athens, Georgia and have the hankering, I’ll be speaking at the Alumni Authors Showcase this Thursday, October 14 at 4 p.m. I would love to see you there!

(And I have it on good authority that fellow Faith & Family writer Kate Wicker will be in the audience, so two-for-one!)

Yoga and Christianity

Do they mix?

Southern Baptist Seminary President Albert Mohler is making waves with his recent comments that Christians should not practice yoga. In a piece he wrote for his website, Mohler said the practice of yoga is at odds with Christianity.

“Christians are not called to empty the mind or to see the human body as a means of connecting to and coming to know the divine,” he wrote.

I’ll admit I have not done... READ MORE

Simple Pleasures

What are yours?

Today I bought a new pack of sponges, some that tout a “fresh scent” and do indeed smell chipper.

I chuckled to myself a bit as I took one sponge out of the package and placed it with great delight near the sink. “Wow,” I thought, “you are easily pleased!”

Of course this isn’t always the case, but isn’t it amazing the little things that can add a boost to our day? I’m thinking about new kitchen sponges... READ MORE

Feeling Cramped?

Here's some perspective

Enjoy this picture of the “World’s smallest apartment,” up for sale in Rome.

The flat consists of a ground floor bathroom with a shower, sink and lavatory and a ladder leading to a sleeping platform just big enough for a single bed. There is a single window, but to open it you have to climb over the bed.

It can be yours, for about $68,000.

HT: Ann Althouse

Getting the Point

A week of Weight Watching

Today marks one week since I started the watching of weight—using the point system to keep track of how much I’m eating and if I’m staying in range.

What I’ve learned so far:

1. Keeping track of what I’m eating makes a big difference. The first few days, I didn’t have the point system so I just wrote down the food I ate. Wow! For one thing, I was motivated to avoid snacking because I didn’t want to... READ MORE

Double the Fun!

Double the everything

One of my very dearest friends just found out she is pregnant with her sixth and seventh baby. Twins!

She is excited and nervous and a whole host of other emotions as well. Mostly, she’s amazed. Having twins is way more than just one baby times two.

I told my friend I would ask all of you, our dear readers, to send her way whatever practical tips or suggestions you have. She has questions like: what... READ MORE

View from the Pew

Timeless encouragement

I’ve been thinking lately about the larger Body of Christ; how varied and beautiful is the gathering of people who fill the pews in any given church at any given Mass. What a gift it is to look around and see young and old, people from all walks of life and all stages of the game.

In our experience, Paul and I have been so blessed by the people who sit around us at our early Mass each Sunday. There... READ MORE

Get Down the Pounds

Share your secret

A friend of mine recently got the last 15 pounds off to reach her goal weight. She hasn’t looked this trim since before she started having kids (13 years ago) and when I asked her how she did it, she had two words: Weight Watchers.

My friend, like me, has gotten to an age where keeping track of food intake is just as important as exercise, at least where weight loss is concerned. In my twenties, I... READ MORE

Mind Games

Are you a mental giant?

I came across an article recently that touted the importance of brain exercises for retaining information and longevity. Unfortunately, I can’t remember where I read this article, which obviously means I need to be doing whatever it was they said to do in the first place.

There are tremendous benefits, said the article, to these kinds of mental exercise—things like doing the crossword or Soduku. The... READ MORE

Life Without Television

How sweet it is

As a mother of five boys, my eye was certainly drawn to Arwen’s post about boys and electronic media . We have a gaming system in our home and when I let the boys cart it out (I keep it under lock and key) it rarely bears good fruit. It’s all fun and games for about ten minutes before the frets set in.

As a family, we do so much better without the glow of the tube, shows, DVD’s and video games included.... READ MORE

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