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Women Making History
Women Who Inspire

Dr. Emma Lou Benignus

Dr. Emma Lou Benignus, life long Episcopalian, manager of National Ministries� Alternatives for the Aging program (1977-1983), former associate director for adult education for the National Council of the Episcopal Church in New York City, and former professor of pastoral theology at Episcopal Divinity School departed this world on December 4, 2004.  Upon her death she entrusted about $120,000 to the Office of Women�s Ministries of the Episcopal Church.  The Office of Women�s Ministries offers thanksgiving for Emma Lou�s life, her work and her dedication to all God�s children, particularly women.    

Sister Dorothy Stang

For over thirty years Sister Dorothy Stang lived in Anapu, a town boarding the rainforest in Brazil.  She was a Catholic nun who dedicated her life to protecting the rainforest and its native peoples from loggers and ranchers who sought to destroy both.  In 2005 while on her way to a settlement meeting with two local peasants, the 74 year old activist was gunned down while reciting Bible passages to her murders.  There is little doubt who Sister Dorothy�s killers are.  The local people who loved and looked to Sister Dorothy as a leader believe that she was marked by the logging firms or ranchers as a trouble maker and was on a list of people to �dispose of.�  Sister Dorothy, compelled by the Gospel message of justice, lived and died as a catalyst, enkindling strength and courage in the common person to fight for their rights and for environmental justice. 

For more information on Sister Dorothy Stang visit: