Page last updated at 21:10 GMT, Tuesday, 5 October 2010 22:10 UK
Two men
Friend rental services are launching in more and more countries, including the UK. But would you rent a friend for the day?

How to fill empty stadiums when fans stay away
Has the ubiquitous grey finally met its match?
Why it's so hard to know how many people are gay

Why did rich people get child benefit in the first place?
The misadventures of driving examiners
How history will portray the current round of cuts

Other Magazine stories
Unemployed in 1960s Scary numbers!
If benefits bill had us spooked, then this is spine-chilling

Cyclist examines map Detour de France
The London-Paris cycle route that keeps getting you lost

Leonard Skinner Been and Gone
The PE teacher who inspired Lynyrd Skynyrd

Hands up 7 days quiz
Hindus, mixed race, gay - which group is largest in the UK?

Made in Dagenham scene of Ford women Equal pay
Did Ford's women strikers actually make a difference?

Woman gazing out of window Just sad
Why sadness is a healthy human condition

Why is it so difficult to get married these days?
How to spend to mend the UK's economy

From around the site
Examining the role of the street photographer
Is the Facebook movie too harsh on Mark Zuckerberg?
Should music end abruptly or fade out?

Quote of the Day
It's like the Krankies turning out to be rocket scientists
Lenny Henry on his starting of a PhD
More about today's quote
Your letter Your Letters
Breaking news! Someone does their job

Paper Monitor Paper Monitor
Wot no outrage? But it's the Turner Prize.

10 Things 10 things
Stomach worms can grow to more than 2m, and nine more things

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