
Watch thousands of video clips about hundreds of animals

Find your favourite animals, where and how they live, the latest news about them and who's filming them right now. Marvel at the stealth of a snow leopard, the tenderness of a mother tiger and the awesome spectacle of a golden eagle in flight. Listen to the thrilling sound of lions roaring across the savannah and to birds that mimic machinery.

animal Animal kingdom

The animal kingdom is estimated to contain about 10 million species. The defining characteristics of an animal include the fact that it is a multicellular organism, that its cell walls are not rigid and that it gets its food by eating other living things, rather than by processes such as photosynthesis. Animals can range from being tiny creatures which are only a collection of a few cells, to giants like the blue whale.

Amphibians Show All 24 Amphibians

Birds Show All 243 Birds

Mammals Show All 256 Mammals

Reptiles Show All 53 Reptiles

Cartilaginous fishes

Ray-finned fishes Show All 25 Ray-finned fishes

Lobe-finned fishes


Corals and sea anemones


Snails and slugs


Spiders, scorpions and mites Show All 11 Spiders, scorpions and mites

Insects Show All 64 Insects

Crabs, shrimp and krill


Barnacles and copepods


Sea urchins

Polychaete worms

Foster Class [99999]Show All 13 Foster Class [99999]

Foster Class [0]Show All 10 Foster Class [0] navigation

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