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Twitpics from space: astronaut sends pictures back to Earth via his Twitter account, Astro_Wheels

He says: 'Caught this image of the eye of the storm as we flew over Hurricane Earl'

Millions of people use Twitpic to tweet photos to their Twitter followers. But few of these pictures are as spectacular as those uploaded to the site by Douglas H. Wheelock, who goes by the name @Astro_Wheels on Twitter. But then he has an almost unique vantage point - he is an astronaut aboard the International Space Station. Every couple of days, he tweets pictures to his followers. We present some of them here, but to see more, simply follow @Astro_Wheels on Twitter

He says: "Caught this image of the eye of the storm as we flew over Hurricane Earl"

Picture: @Astro_Wheels (Douglas H. Wheelock) / NASA
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