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A "Scrubs in the Afternoon" Quiz

— By Marc Wilkofsky

Patrick and Robin's romance may be on the (far) outs on GENERAL HOSPITAL, but a healthy amount of history has gone into the docs' still-strong connection, including their pre-love days. See what you can recall.

  1. GH's Robin and Patrick (Kimberly McCullough and Jason Thompson)
    — ABC
    Who did Patrick travel to Port Charles to surgically save in 2005?
    1. Sonny
    2. Jason
    3. Mac
    4. Jax
  2. What event caused Patrick to once again profess his love for Robin?
    1. They worked together on a busload of crash victims.
    2. Patrick couldn't save a woman with a brain tumor, devastating her husband.
    3. She almost died in the Metro Court hostage situation.
    4. He survived a serious car accident.
  3. In 2004, whose funeral did Robin return to town to attend?
    1. Alan
    2. Lila
    3. Georgie
    4. Jason (he got much better)
  4. — ABC
    Where did Robin, suffering from postpartum depression, place little Emma during a blizzard, and who found her?
    1. On a park bench; Johnny and Spinelli
    2. In a shed; Spinelli and Maxie
    3. In a shed; Johnny and Lulu
    4. In a tree; Johnny and Maxie
  5. At a dinner in which Robin was distracted by Carly's presence, Patrick said to Robin, "I can't believe it's taken me this long to get this." "Get what?"
    1. "Your favorite type of relationship is one with envy, enmity and drama."
    2. "Your mind can't rest until it tracks down some trouble."
    3. "You are exactly like Carly. In fact, you are Carly."
    4. "You're as incorrigible as you are beautiful."
  6. Patrick learned — too late — that this patient had extremely dangerous biotoxin spheres inside him.
    1. Carl Stagg
    2. Earl Bragg
    3. Stan Bramm
    4. Carl Briggs
  7. Patrick and Robin with Emma
    — ABC
    Robin's wedding vows during the Dec. 2008 ceremony included these words: "And then I took a trip to meet a doctor, and I met you. You were certainly no prince. You were arrogant, but..."
    1. " were real. I don't think you liked me very much, and I didn't like you, either."
    2. " could light up a room and fill it with warmth."
    3. "...I knew there was much more to you than your enormous ego and cavalier demeanor."
    4. "...something other than your doctor's badge told me you realized how life truly works."
  8. And Patrick's vows held these words: "You've shown me beyond a shadow of a doubt what I was missing, and..."
    1. "...I promise to share it with you every minute I can."
    2. "...I can't wait to learn much more...about it."
    3. "...I promise to value the gift that you've given me and to give it back to you 10 times over."
    4. "...I'm seriously looking forward to making up for lost time."
  9. Who performed the Scrubs' wedding ceremony?
    1. Father Coates
    2. Father Browne
    3. Father Finke
    4. Father Braff
  10. While Robin was out of town, where did a guilty Patrick rush off to after sleeping with Lisa?
    1. Jake's
    2. The hospital
    3. Kelly's
    4. Africa
Reader Comments 
Posted Wed Sep15, 2010, 2:40 PM — By Kristin

The correct answer you have for #2 is not right. Patrick told Robin he loved her long before the MC Hostage Crisis. In fact the correct answer isn't even an option. Fun quiz overall though :)

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