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'127 Hours' unveiled at Telluride

Danny Boyle, James Franco attend sneak peek

By Jay A. Fernandez


Sept 4, 2010, 08:01 PM ET

TELLURIDE, Colo. -- Director Danny Boyle and actor James Franco presented an unscheduled, but not unexpected, sneak peek of "127 Hours" at the Telluride Film Festival on Saturday.

The project wrapped filming in May, and Boyle said he brought the not "quite finished" film to Telluride as a thank you to the festival for unspooling "Slumdog Millionaire" two years ago.

Boyle's survival film stars Franco as Aron Ralston, a biker and mountaineer whose 2003 trip into the Utah wilderness turned life- threatening when he became trapped underneath a boulder deep in a crevasse in the Blue John Canyon.

The real life Ralston went to the extreme to free himself from the boulder that trapped him for five days, and the climactic scene of his escape generated groans and squirming from the audience.

At the end of the screening, paramedics were called in to assist an unidentified man. Festival press representative Shannon Mitchell told The Hollywood Reporter that she had no information on whether the man's illness had to do with "127 Hours' " escape scene or an unrelated medical condition.

More information about the "127 Hours" sneak peek can be found here.

'127 Hours' unveiled at Telluride

Danny Boyle, James Franco attend sneak peek

By Jay A. Fernandez

Sept 4, 2010, 08:01 PM ET

TELLURIDE, Colo. -- Director Danny Boyle and actor James Franco presented an unscheduled, but not unexpected, sneak peek of "127 Hours" at the Telluride Film Festival on Saturday.

The project wrapped filming in May, and Boyle said he brought the not "quite finished" film to Telluride as a thank you to the festival for unspooling "Slumdog Millionaire" two years ago.

Boyle's survival film stars Franco as Aron Ralston, a biker and mountaineer whose 2003 trip into the Utah wilderness turned life- threatening when he became trapped underneath a boulder deep in a crevasse in the Blue John Canyon.

The real life Ralston went to the extreme to free himself from the boulder that trapped him for five days, and the climactic scene of his escape generated groans and squirming from the audience.

At the end of the screening, paramedics were called in to assist an unidentified man. Festival press representative Shannon Mitchell told The Hollywood Reporter that she had no information on whether the man's illness had to do with "127 Hours' " escape scene or an unrelated medical condition.

More information about the "127 Hours" sneak peek can be found here.

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