Royal Regiment of Fusiliers

The Fusiliers are a two-battalion Infantry regiment. The 1st Battalion is equipped with the WARRIOR Armoured Infantry Fighting Vehicle and skilled in the complex demands of fast-moving armoured warfare, while the 2nd Battalion is a Light Role battalion with the ability to deploy quickly and adapt to any operational scenario.

Whether keeping the peace in the Balkans or engaged in close combat in Iraq and Afghanistan the Fusiliers have proved capable of meeting every challenge with courage, determination and a will to win.

The Territorial Army Fusiliers serve with their regular comrades on operations and on exercise, fitting seamlessly into the tough demands of modern soldiering. 

The Regimental Creed
The Regiment is justfiably proud of its achievements over these past 40 years, with distinguished service in Cyprus (at the start of the Turkish invasion) Germany, Northern Ireland, the Balkans, Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan.  The Colonel of the Regiment has directed that today we should adopt and publish a Regimental Creed. It is noteworthy that this creed has emanated not from the top down, but from serving Fusiliers and their officers, and was presented to the Regimental Council as the way all Fusiliers conduct themselves professionally and go about their daily business. This in itself says much about the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers.

I am a Fusilier, trained and ready to deploy.

I will defend my country's freedoms with respect and integrity.

I will always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself.

I will place the mission and the team first.

I will never accept defeat nor let down my mates or my Regiment

I will always be one of England's finest, a Fusilier

Fusiliers Recruiting DVD Pt 1

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