Quotes to remember

Many of the quotes from participants at the Death March With Cocktails have been informative, funny or enlightening.

Abortion debates rages

HBO's merely adequate and mildly interesting new documentary "12th and Delaware" only throws fuel on the debate flames.

'S---' that isn't funny

In the fall, on the same night, two networks appear to be making mistakes with two new sitcoms: "S--- My Dad Says" and "Outsourced."

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'Gossip Girl' fashion

The season premiere isn't until Sept. 13, but check out what the "Girls" are wearing, how they're wearing it and where to get it.

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Tv & Radio Features

The usual summer suspects

If this was supposed to be the summer that the broadcast networks fought back, well, better luck next summer.

One tough year for Emmys

An argument could be made that, given the overall quality, this was one of the toughest years in recent memory to pick the best of the best.

A season in perspective

Tim Goodman takes a quick look back on the television  season that just ended for some highs, lows and trends.

A 'Golden Girl' dies

Rue McClanahan, who won an Emmy as the sexually liberated Blanche on the "Golden Girls," has fatal stroke at 76.

3 endings, 3 lessons in TV

Gone are "24," "Lost," "Law and Order," three television series that teach us much about how to succeed (or not). Tim Goodman.

Been there, done that

Five broadcast networks have released their new television schedules last week, and there's only one clear, overriding theme: familiarity.

It's a hit! Let's shelve it!

"FlashForward" had a huge premiere and got lots of buzz. Then ABC yanked it for months. What's up?, asks Tim Goodman.

Primetime Ratings Week:

Tim Goodman

"Mad Men" Spoiled Bastard. Ep. 3: "The Good News."

This is a Spoiled Bastard. It contains spoilers. That's the point. FYI: The Bastard Machine is on Twitter and...

More Bastard Machine »

TV Reviews

A heroic melodrama

Set in 12th century England, Starz's eight-hour miniseries "The Pillars of the Earth" has more than its share of bloodshed.

Identity key for 'Mad Men'

"Who is Don Draper?" seems to be the big question for the new season of "Mad Men."

Suchet irreplaceable

After making an astounding 64 films as Belgian detective Poirot, actor David Suchet finally gets to ride on the Orient Express.

Fun to watch

There's no doubt that Showtime's "The Real L Word" is going to be a talker. But will that talk be more negative than positive?

When Bubba met Blair

"The Special Relationship" looks at the relationship between Bill Clinton and Tony Blair.

More than a great mystery

War is hell, and that's as true for the justly popular "Foyle's War" on "Masterpiece Mystery" as it is for real war.

Enormous payoff

David Simon's "Treme" focuses on New Orleans post-Katrina, with particular emphasis on the musicians who live and play there.
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