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Aromatic herbs hit the pot


Young people take pleasure in growing parsley and thyme

Sunlight is key to growing herbs. Above: sage, thyme, rosemary and purple sage sit on a windowsill.

Sunlight is key to growing herbs. Above: sage, thyme, rosemary and purple sage sit on a windowsill.

Photograph by: Greg Fulmes, Canwest News Service, Freelance

Vegetable gardening is huge, but so is interest in growing herbs, especially in a pot by the kitchen door.

Wim Vander Zalm, owner of Art Knapps Plantland in Port Coquitlam, says he is amazed by how many young people are excited about planting a little pot of herbs. "Many of them want to do this, rather than growing vegetables," he says.

The idea of having a neatly contained pot of herbs, strategically placed close to the kitchen door for easy access, has a lot of appeal, he says.

Culinary herbs such as rosemary, parsley, basil and chives are easily the biggest sellers, more popular than more aromatic herbs like sage, lavender and lemon balm, as well as ones used for making teas, sachets and medicinal potions.

People are buying either already planted herb pots, which range in price from $35 to $80, or a variety of herbs in four-inch pots for about $3 each and planting up their own containers.

Terra cotta strawberry pots are a popular choice of container because they have several compartments in which a variety of herbs can be grown.

The pots are also not so big that they can't be easily rotated to ensure all the plants get a share of sunshine.

But Vander Zalm thinks it is a mistake to try growing herbs in a pot any smaller than this.

"The last thing you want is a little 'pet' pot that needs constant attention, something you have to water twice a day," he says.

"It's better to plant herbs in as large a container as you can accommodate. This way you don't have to rush home every day to water. Herbs in a sizable container also have more room to grow to a nice mature size."

Vander Zalm says it is also important to grow what you are most likely to use, rather than herbs that simply smell nice or just have pretty foliage.

For success, herbs require a minimum of four hours of sunshine as well as fertile, well-drained soil.

"Six to eight hours of sunshine is ideal, particularly warm afternoon sunshine," he says.

"And it's important not to let the herb pot dry out because if herbs are stressed it definitely affects their flavour."

Since they are growing in a container, it is essential to ensure plants have access to enough nutrients.

Vander Zalm recommends using a well-balanced organic fertilizer rather than an artificial chemical fertilizer high in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

"I like a combination of fish fertilizer and liquid seaweed, which has given excellent results.

"The fish fertilizer provides nitrogen and the seaweed provides all sorts of essential minerals and micro-nutrients and helps plants fight off pests and diseases," he says.

At his store in Port Coquitlam, Vander Zalm has an impressive inventory of herbs, including more than half a dozen varieties of mint, a few different cultivars of basil and all the other top-selling herbs -- rosemary, thyme, sage, lavender, chives, borage, dill, parsley, oregano, cilantro, camomile, borage and marjoram.

He says he also likes to throw in a curry plant for its unique aroma and ornamental thymes for their foliage texture and colour.

But for strictly culinary use, he says people get the most use out of a pot filled with the five basic herbs: parsley, rosemary, chives, basil and mint.

A common mistake many new herb enthusiasts make is to plant basil too early.

Herbs such as thyme can survive all winter.

Although this heat-loving herb is often available in garden centres as early as March and April, it does not tolerate cool night temperatures and is unlikely to thrive if planted outdoors before the end of May.

Good companions for growing with herbs are edible flowers, especially viola, nasturtium and calendula.

The Gem series of marigolds, dianthus and nigella are also worth considering.

Sunlight is key to growing herbs. Above: sage, thyme, rosemary and purple sage sit on a windowsill.

Sunlight is key to growing herbs. Above: sage, thyme, rosemary and purple sage sit on a windowsill.

Photograph by: Greg Fulmes, Canwest News Service, Freelance


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