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How Your Support Helps

Everything counts ...

Just 10 people giving $50 each can mobilise a whole community in Africa for an entire year...

You can make a real difference today

WWF is a global conservation organization working on long-term solutions.

Using a partnership model, our positive approach leads to collaboration with governments, companies and local people to make change happen.

The results we get are real, but so is our need for financial support

Donate to WWF and support the vital conservation work we do...

  • $20 will buy 10 seedlings to help replant the forests of Tanzania
  • With $50 we can effectively lobby politicians by launching a fax and email action on the website
  • With $200 we can pay for an infrared camera (including film and battery) to be used for an animal friendly monitoring of pandas and other wild animals in a nature reserve
  • $500 pays for the mobilisation of a local community near the Nakuru Lake in Kenya to carry out monthly clean ups for a whole year. This would include providing basic equipment such as gloves, rakes, spades and bags to collect the garbage
  • With $1,000 a poster campaign can make Korean people aware of the importance of conserving mud flats and associated bird life
  • With $2,000 WWF can give a "Conservation Action Grant" to fund projects proposed by local environmental groups or individuals
  • With $6,500 WWF can award a "Prince Bernhard Scholarship Grant" allowing students in developing countries to take environmental training courses
  • In Nepal $25,000 pays to re-introduce a Great Indian rhino into an area where they have disappeared 

Whatever you can give, every contribution counts... 







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Let's work towards a future where we all live in harmony with nature